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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: europe   europe EmptyMer 22 Nov - 0:56

EUROPE - Scandinavian Tour Comes To A Close, Frontman Issues Tour Update From Oslo
europe T55160

EUROPE wrapped up their Scandinavian tour in support of their new album, Secret Society, on November 14th in Oslo, Norway. Frontman Joey Tempest issued the following update on the day:

"Hello everyone,

The first part of the Secret Society tour is almost done. We've played Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Tonight we play Oslo...... and what a tour it has been. Sold out and a great crowd. We have also met a younger audience this time together with our friends from years gone by. European tour next....we start in Spain January 16th, 2007.

On three of our recent gigs we have brought in a photographer to capture the show for us. These pictures will be displayed on our web-site very soon.

We are a very lucky band. First of all to make a CD (our seventh) that we are very proud of. And to make a new collection of songs which is actually making people react both positive and negative is to us a great accomplishment. We are pushing limits and staying creative. As long as we can keep doing things this we'll stick around for a long time.

We have played four or five new songs every gig and these songs have really helped make the show more exciting. We are slowly making the transition from our past. What can I say? Thank you for coming out to the shows and checking out our new music.

But ....most of all....thank you for keeping us in a job.....With your help we can take it all the way."

Joey / Europe
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: europe   europe EmptyDim 26 Nov - 16:40

Clip Europe "Always de Pretenders

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