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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: SLASH   SLASH EmptyMer 10 Jan - 0:18

SLASH To Visit Gibson Guitar Booth At CES 2007 On January 10th

SLASH T58099 Gibson Guitar has issued the following press release:

With his trademark Gibson Les Paul, top hat and cigarette, iconic rock-n-roller SLASH will make an exclusive visit to the Gibson Guitar Booth CP1 at CES 2007 in Las Vegas on Wednesday, January 10th, 2007, at 2 PM. The former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist and VELVET REVOLVER frontman will be available for press coverage and photos. Fans can also view Slash’s Gibson Signature model at the booth.

Who: Slash from Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver
What: Special Visit to Gibson Guitar CP1 Booth at CES 2007
Where: Booth CP1, Central Plaza 1 at CES 2007, Las Vegas
When: Wednesday, January 10th, 2007 at 2 PM
Why: Slash makes a visit to the most talked about booth at CES and the maker of his signature Gibson Les Paul guitar. Slash is added to the long list of celebrity musicians who have hung out at the Gibson Guitar booth including ZZ TOP's Billy Gibbons, Billy Bob Thornton, Devon Allman and others.

About Gibson Guitar

Gibson is known worldwide for producing classic models in every major style of fretted instrument, including acoustic and electric guitars, mandolins, and banjos. Gibson’s HD.6X-PRO Digital Guitar represents the biggest advance in electric guitar design in over 70 years. Founded in 1894 in Kalamazoo , Michigan , and headquartered in Nashville since 1984, Gibson Guitar Corp.’s family of brands now includes Epiphone, Dobro, Kramer, Steinberger, Tobias, Slingerland, Echoplex, Electar, Flatiron, Gibson Baldwin Music Education, Valley Arts, Maestro, Oberheim, Sunshine, Baldwin, Chickering, Hamilton , J&C Fischer and Wurlitzer. Visit Gibson’s website at
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SLASH   SLASH EmptyMar 31 Juil - 18:18

SLASH - "I Miss The Anarchistic, Genuine Punk Rock Attitude In Music That Turned Me On When I Was A Kid"

SLASH 71012

Planet Loud recently caught up with VELVET REVOLVER guitarist Slash to discuss the band's new album, Libertad. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Planet Loud: How difficult was it to get back into the swing?

Slash: "Yeah, it was difficult and we found that I would take to Dave or I would talk to Scott or Duff and we’d talk about doing this again, but we could never get all five of us in the same room together at the same time. It was always two of us or three of us but never all five. It took a little while but then, once we got back on the wagon and started working together again, it just fuckin’ took off."

Planet Loud: Was it as good when you got back together?

Slash: "You know, the thing is that this band has so many good qualities that people don’t know about. It’s the same with any band that people on the outside don’t know about the inner workings as to how a band can work together and make a piece of music."

Planet Loud: Going onto this record then, what did you want to achieve with it?

Slash: "For me personally, I didn’t have any set goal as to what I wanted to achieve. I don’t think I ever have. We just started working on some stuff and all these cool ideas started coming out and then you start working on them and more cool stuff comes together and that’s pretty much as much focus on what you want to achieve as I guess I have. All we do is take an idea that sounds like it could be something and work on it."

Planet Loud: Scott recently did an interview where he said that this was the most excited about a rock album he’d been since 1993. Is the music scene devoid of great rock bands these days?

Slash: "You know, I was watching the Download highlights on TV the other day and they had such a diverse range of metal bands. I don’t know how many people were there this year but there was such a range of bands and then you had us who were more of a stripped down rock ‘n’ roll band compared to everything else and it fit in great. There’s that side of it, then I look at it and it kind of reminds me of the early ‘80s where you can see where this whole group of people are going but, at the same time, it seems kind of directionless and lacks an attitude or a point or something. If people dig that then great, but what I do miss is the anarchistic, punk rock, genuine punk rock attitude that turned me on when I was a kid and made me do what I’m doing today. So, you’ve got us on the one side but I think that there should also be a handful of bands along those lines that are capable of getting record deals and have the attitude but I just don’t see that at the moment."

Go to this location for the complete interview.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SLASH   SLASH EmptyJeu 9 Aoû - 20:25

Slash - "I Wish Axl Would Have Let The Name Go!"

Mark the Shark, a DJ for Station TK101 in Florida did an interesting podcast interview with Slash (VELVET REVOLVER guitarist; ex-GUNS N' ROSES). In it he talks about his work in Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver. We also get some insight on Steven Adler's so called Guns N' Roses reunion, as well as his feelings on Axl continuing to use the Guns N’ Roses name.

To listen to the interview click here (MP3 format).

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SLASH   SLASH EmptyMer 29 Aoû - 22:29

SLASH: "I Never Wanted To Write A Book, Because It Would Be Too Final"

SLASH T72759 E! Online has issued the following report:

We never had SLASH pegged as the literary type - basically, because we liked to imagine him spending all his spare time taming wild snakes and polishing his top-hat collection.

Guess we were wrong.

Last week, the VELVET REVOLVER guitarist revealed he was hard at work on his as yet untitled autobiography, which is expected to hit stores in November.

Naturally, we called him on the phone for more details.

He said we could expect a bunch of stuff about his years with GUNS N' ROSES, but not necessarily because he was feeling nostalgic on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Appetite For Destruction.

"I never wanted to write a book, because it would be too final," Slash explained. "The only reason I wrote it is because a lot of the stuff I was reading and seeing about the band got pretty frustrating. I just had to straighten out some s--t."

Read the full story at E! Online.
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