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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: PARADISE LOST   PARADISE LOST EmptyMer 17 Jan - 0:00

PARADISE LOST - Fans To Vote For Live DVD Tracklisting

UK metallers PARADISE LOST have issued the following update:
"Paradise Lost are planning to record a new live DVD, and we are interested to know what songs you feel should be included on the setlist. If you'd like to suggest a track for the DVD, please head on over to our Forums. If you are registered there, you can vote for an album on this topic, and post a reply for which song you'd like to see. Please be aware that while we are taking suggestions in this manner, it is not a guarantee that they will be included in the final tracklist."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: PARADISE LOST   PARADISE LOST EmptySam 3 Fév - 22:57

PARADISE LOST - New Album Details Revealed

UK-based gothic metallers PARADISE LOST have issued the following update:

"We can confirm today that the title for the 11th Paradise Lost album, tentatively due for release in May this year, is to be titled In Requiem.

The artwork for the new album is to be done by Seth Siro Anton, who was the artwork designer for the last album, Paradise Lost.

The band recently returned from Canada following completion of recording the new CD, produced by Rhys Fulber. The album has been mixed by Mike Fraser - who is well known for his work with bands such as METALLICA, AC/DC, VAN HALEN etc... You can check out a comprehensive listing of the bands Mike has worked with on his management's site.

The album is due to be mastered soon, and we should have more detailed info about it for you in the near future.

We can also confirm that the gig to be filmed for the new Live DVD will be taking place on Thursday April 12, at the Koko Club in London."
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