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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: PARADISE LOST -   PARADISE LOST - EmptyLun 17 Déc - 15:36

PARADISE LOST - "The NIGHTWISH People Are Absolutely Phenomenally Wonderful"

PARADISE LOST - T79744 Komodo Rock recently caught up with PARADISE LOST guitarist Aaron Aedy. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

KR: You've just finished touring in America with NIGHTWISH. How was it?

AA: "Excellent, very good actually. Firstly, the Nightwish people are absolutely phenomenally wonderful people, they're Finnish and I've never met a bad Finn! They were so nice, they looked after us so well. It was like 'Are you sure we can't do anything to help?' They were really good friends. The crowd reactions were very good for us. They started off pretty good, and by the end of the show the reaction had got better, so hopefully we've won over a few new fans. I think fans of Nightwish potentially would like us so it was a good bill in that respect. The other thing as well, because they are friends of ours they made it a two band bill so there wasn't even a third band, so we got to play nearly an hour each night. It was really good."

KR: Earlier this year you were on the road with TYPE O NEGATIVE as well.

AA: "Yeah we've been really busy, we did a European Tour of our own before the American tour. I've only been home for ten days in the last four months! I just had a week at home before this UK leg kicked off. Before that before the European Tour and US Tour for six weeks I had three days at home, I'm now touring to December 22nd, so quite looking forward to getting home just in time for Christmas."

KR: All this touring has been in support of the new album, how's that been going down out on the road?

AA: "Really well! We've pulled a few old classics out of the bag, but especially this week in the UK, there's been a lot of younger fans, teenagers, and they're mad for the new stuff, and they don't know much of the old stuff. It's been pretty to cool to have the younger people there. The new albums been going down well, the one we weren't sure of was 'Never For The Damned', but it's been going down awesome. We play about five or six songs of the new album."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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