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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LED ZEPPELIN   LED ZEPPELIN EmptySam 20 Jan - 18:33

Phoenix Symphony Plays LED ZEPPELIN

The following report is courtesy of Chris Hansen Orf from

You’ve heard 'Stairway To Heaven' a million times, but you’ve never heard it like this. And you’ve never heard the Phoenix Symphony — joined by a four-piece rock band — play anything close to the power and fury of music icons LED ZEPPELIN

But conductor Brent Havens believes the two go great together, and adds that anyone who thinks the symphony will “soften” the classic rock band’s sound in The Music of Led Zeppelin, Saturday’s non-subscription concert at the Dodge Theatre, is going to be surprised.

“People expecting sort of an elevator version of Led Zeppelin, they’re going to be disappointed,” says Havens, who scored Zeppelin’s music for the 52-piece orchestra. “But if you come to hear real Led Zeppelin music as I think it was intended to be heard, and then wrapped around an orchestra — it’s a wall of sound that they’ve never heard before.

“It is a rock show.

Read more here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LED ZEPPELIN   LED ZEPPELIN EmptySam 27 Jan - 3:39

Rumor - LED ZEPPELIN To Reform For American Stadium Tour

We've heard this all many time before - from the juicy rumor pile - is reporting that LED ZEPPELIN are set to re-group after 22 years for a money-spinning stadium tour of America. The three surviving members — singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones — plan to hit the road next summer. The trio hope to pocket £6.4million for the shows. Robert, 54, Jimmy, 58, and 56-year-old John Paul met two weeks ago at the offices of their management firm Trinifold.

They buried the hatchet over Page and Plant's 1990s tour, which John Paul only learned about from a newspaper. A band insider said last night: "If the right offer comes up they will do it." Trinifold added: "Jimmy is itching to do something, but there is nothing firm yet."

Zeppelin split in 1980 after a booze binge killed drummer John Bonham. His son Jason Bonham is set to play drums on the tour. The band, famed for songs like 'Stairway To Heaven' and 'Whole Lotta Love', are second only to the BEATLES in worldwide album sales. They still hold records for crowds at their 1970s concerts. A music industry insider said: "They had so many hits that I am sure the reunion would be a major success
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LED ZEPPELIN   LED ZEPPELIN EmptyLun 25 Juin - 22:36

LED ZEPPELIN Planning Reunion Show?

LED ZEPPELIN T68828 According to, LED ZEPPELIN are preparing to perform a one-off reunion show in memory of their former record boss (late Atlantic Records chief Ahmet Ertegen), according to reports.

The news comes after it emerged at the weekend that the legendary band – who have only performed a handful of shows since they spilt in 1980 - are due to embark on a world tour.

The band are expected to reform in London for the one-off show with singer Robert Plant, bassist John Paul Jones and guitarist Jimmy Page being joined by late-member John Bonham's son, Jason.

According to WENN, a source said: "Page, Plant and Jones spoke and agreed to do the memorial concert. They are waiting for a definite date. And no-one can quite believe it, but during discussions about the concert they all gave the green light to a tour if it all does well and they don't all fall out.”

The full reunion tour is rumoured to be taking place next year.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LED ZEPPELIN   LED ZEPPELIN EmptyDim 15 Juil - 19:34

LED ZEPPELIN Builds A "Stairway" In Rock & Roll Heaven

LED ZEPPELIN 70073 has posted the following press release:

Exactly one year after breaking ground on the world's first rock 'n' roll theme park, Hard Rock Park celebrates another milestone today, with the official topping ceremony for the Park's most anticipated attraction, LED ZEPPELIN - The Ride. The topping ceremony, which marks the completion of the highest lift hill for the signature roller coaster, kicks the Park into "construction overdrive."

"This coaster is so high; I'm sure we're waking up a few pilots," jokes Steven Goodwin, Hard Rock Park CEO. "I swear I've seen a couple of planes take notice already, not to mention the drivers on Rt. 501. We're at the point of development where everyone will be amazed with what will spring up next."

Easily viewed as far away as the three highway bridges that surround the Park, Led Zeppelin - The Ride will tower more than 150 feet into the sky (15 stories tall), serving as a landmark that will help travelers pinpoint Hard Rock Park whether arriving by air or land. The ride is most notable for the iconic relationship with band members Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones, who have contributed to all aspects of Led Zeppelin - The Ride, including the ride's name, logo and overall look and feel of the vehicles.

"A lot of planning and communication with the FAA has gone into this project," said David Reitterer, project manager for Hard Rock Park. "We are building this coaster just as high as they would allow, given the Park's proximity to Myrtle Beach International Airport."

Located in the Park's Rock & Roll Heaven zone, the signature steel roller coaster will thrill riders with a six and a half minute experience, partially over water. Reaching speeds of 65 mph, the coaster will boast six breathtaking inversions, the largest of which will be a 120-foot loop. Every moment of the ride, including thrilling drops and loops, is timed to Led Zeppelin's hit single "Whole Lotta Love," creating an unprecedented sensory experience and an adrenaline rush rivaled only by a live Led Zeppelin concert.

The experience will begin in a huge silver airship, which is designed to make guests feel as if they are stepping onto the cover of Led Zeppelin's debut album. Once inside, band-related murals and props will adorn the walls, while music and videos play throughout the queue, leading to a "studio" area where guests will be treated to a moving, multimedia show before climbing aboard the coaster. As the ride begins its initial ascent, excitement will build in time with "Whole Lotta Love," which is pumped into each car, thanks to a high-fidelity on-board audio system.

This summer, visitors to Myrtle Beach can get a sneak peek of Led Zeppelin - The Ride, as well as many more rides and attractions at the Hard Rock Park Backstage Tour, the Park's official preview center. The Backstage Tour is open daily to the public, free of charge, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Hard Rock Park will be an approximately 140-acre theme park boasting more than 40 attractions for rockers of all ages, including roller coasters, shows, children's play areas, restaurants, cafes and retail stores, a multi-purpose live music amphitheatre, and ultra-modern sound system specifically developed for the project, creating a totally immersive full-day experience.

For more information on Hard Rock Park or to purchase advance tickets ($46 for children of all ages), please visit .

To view more photos click here.
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Nombre de messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2008

MessageSujet: Re: LED ZEPPELIN   LED ZEPPELIN EmptyLun 28 Avr - 22:26

Voici un nouveau forum consacré à Led Zeppelin . venez nombreux !!!!!!!!!!! cheers cheers cheers
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