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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LED ZEPPELIN   LED ZEPPELIN EmptySam 26 Aoû - 17:12

LED ZEPPELIN - Whole Lotta Led Author To Sign Copies Of Book Next Saturday In California

According to, Ralph Hulett, local Huntington Beach, CA author and photographer whose work has appeared in Relix, Goldmine and Vintage Guitar magazines and on the television programs VH 1 - Behind the Music and ABC News Downtown, will sign copies of his book, Whole Lotta Led, Our Flight With LED ZEPPELIN, answer questions and give limited edition 4x6 Led Zeppelin photographs to the first 20 people to purchase books that day at The Rock and Roll Emporium at 205 Main Street in Downtown Huntington Beach Saturday, September 2, 2006 from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Whole Lotta Led charts the author’s life as it revolved around Led Zeppelin. Written from a fan's perspective, the author’s fierce passion sets it apart from any other Led Zeppelin biography. Hulett did much of the writing, while his co-author, Jerry Prochnicky, also co-author of a critically-acclaimed biography on Jim Morrison, Break On Through, helped with ideas, created the book's concept, provided photos and most of the research. It is a fascinating and enjoyable story of a period in time and music that can never be duplicated. The book is filled with recollections, fan accounts, and photographers’ views from behind the camera, as well as Led Zeppelin in their own words.

“It is more than just a Led Zeppelin biography - it's our story as well. Led Zeppelin provided the soundtrack to our lives through the good times and even the bad times. Supplying the power to the text are the photographs. The photos are moving not only for what they show, but for what they mean in the eyes and hearts of the beholder,” said co-author Jerry Prochnicky.

“September being the anniversary month of the untimely passing of John Bonham, we wanted to do something to celebrate Led Zeppelin. Ralph’s book is written in a way that everyone can relate to this unique time in music. We thought a book and photo signing would be a great way to celebrate Led Zeppelin and their fans," said Andrew Kirby, managing partner of the retail store.

"The book's like an entertainment time machine that takes you back to the 60s and 70s. Lots of crazy, fun stories. Yet at the same time I want to show how Zeppelin are an ongoing living legend, relevant today and not just a rock footnote in music history," said co-author Ralph Hulett.

Ralph Hulett grew up in the Los Angeles area. His parents were both in the arts - his father a Disney background artist and renowned California watercolor painter and his mother a music and dance teacher. As Ralph saw bands like the Doors and Led Zeppelin pass through the L.A. area, rock music became a big part of his life. His photographs and articles have appeared in Relix, Goldmine and Vintage Guitar magazines and on the television programs VH 1 - Behind the Music and ABC News Downtown. He now teaches history in the Orange County area.

The Rock and Roll Emporium is a leading resource for those who want to live the Rocker Lifestyle and is a major attraction for downtown Huntington Beach, CA - Surf City, USA. The store has collected authentic autographed guitars; drum heads, photos, collectibles and rock & roll-inspired apparel and accessories from many of the best-known and respected artists in the world.
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