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MessageSujet: AXXIS   AXXIS EmptySam 20 Jan - 18:36

AXXIS Name New Guitarist

AXXIS T58764 German metallers AXXIS have issued the following band lineup news:

"One rehearsal session and one recording session... and the decision was done! Marco Wriedt will be the new Axxis guitar player!

(Keyboardist) Harry (Oellers): "As Marco arrived in the studio I thought Walter (first Axxis guitar player) is back;-)! We sent him all of our actual songs and he played everything perfectly!"

(Vocalist) Bernhard (Weiß): "This guy is 22 years old and very creative. We just let him play to our new production and it was... awesome!"

See Marco's comments at this location.

More on the guitarist at , .
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