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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: BLOODJINN   BLOODJINN EmptyVen 26 Jan - 1:20

BLOODJINN - New Songs Available

BLOODJINN T59111 North Carolina metal band BLOODJINN has posted two brand new "blistering songs" from their upcoming new full length, This Machine Runs On Empty. The album will be unleashed online and in stores on March 6th on Pluto Records. Check out 'In The First Degree' and 'Truth Within' here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: BLOODJINN   BLOODJINN EmptyMar 31 Juil - 18:43

BLOODJINN - 'Maker' Video Online

North Carolina metallers BLOODJINN have updated the main page of their MySpace page to include their video for the track 'Maker'. Check it out at this location.

'Maker' is featured on the band's This Machine Runs On Empty album, available via Pluto Records.
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