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 BLOODJINN - New Live Clip Online

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: BLOODJINN - New Live Clip Online   BLOODJINN - New Live Clip Online EmptyLun 4 Fév - 23:02

BLOODJINN - New Live Clip Online

North Carolina metallers BLOODJINN have posted a new live for their track 'Break The Silence', filmed by Series DVD and Kotk Productions on December 9th, 2007 at Greene Street Club in Greensboro, NC. Check out the clip below...

Bloodjinn’s new album, This Machine Runs On Empty, is released on Listenable Records today, February 4th. Vocalist Joel Collins explains the meaning of the album title: “Bloodjinn means to hit with heavy force, just as the original spelling and meaning. This Machine Runs On Empty is basically saying that we have been a band for 9 years and through constant strife in the industry, we've continued to never give up our dream. The "machine", meaning Bloodjinn, has ran on empty for so long with the lack of help, that we are back stronger than ever and ready to take this world by storm. We put so much of our personal and daily lives into this band. We have ruined relationships, lost jobs and lived like we're punk rock just working non-stop around the clock trying to reach our music out to as many people as we can.“
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: TRANZAM Cover OZZY OSBOURNE - Video Available   BLOODJINN - New Live Clip Online EmptyLun 4 Fév - 23:04

TRANZAM Cover OZZY OSBOURNE - Video Available

Classic rock tribute band TRANZAM, featuring drummer Nigel Halford (JUDAS PRIEST frontman ROB HALFORD's brother), have issued a clip of the band covering the OZZY OSBOURNE classic 'Crazy Train'. Check it out below...

As previously reported, Tranzam have scheduled a "Re-launch" gig on Sunday, March 9th at the Robin 2 in Bilston, England.

A message from the band reads: "January 2008 will see us back in the studio for the first recording sessions with Andy Dodds. Once again we have chosen Mad Hat Studios near Wolverhampton to record the tracks for our new CD, which we shall be giving away free to the first 100 people through the door at our re-launch gig at the Robin 2 on Sunday, March 9th, 2008".

More on Tranzam at this location.
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