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 HIMSA TV Now Online

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: HIMSA TV Now Online   HIMSA TV Now Online EmptyMer 21 Nov - 13:45

HIMSA TV Now Online

HIMSA kicks off their first North American tour in almost two years tonight (November 19th) as they hit the road with AMON AMARTH and SONIC SYNDICATE in support of their new offering, Summon In Thunder.

The inaugural episode of Himsa TV, shot by King of Hearts Productions, has been posted online. In this wacky segment the guys give you a firs thand look into the insanity that took place at their record release show and present some out-takes from their 'Unleash Carnage' video shoot. Click on the link below to check it out and stay tuned each week for new episodes from the road.

Derek Harn (bass) checks in with the following report: “Hey Himsa dominion! It's been well over a year since we've done a full U.S. tour and we're all anxious to get back out on the road and rock you again. Our latest album, Summon In Thunder, has been getting great reviews and a lot of excitement from fans new and old. We'll be playing a lot of new material on these dates and we have a new powerhouse of a drummer named Joe Frothingham. He hails from the woods of Washington state and he loves to beat the hell out of his drums. We are very fortunate to be playing these dates with Amon Amarth and look forward to making friends with them and Sonic Syndicate. Our thoughts and best wishes go out to the members of DECAPITATED and their families. Their presence on this tour will be sadly missed.

We recently played our record release show in Seattle at El Corazon. We themed it out with tennis gear like the ‘Unleash Carnage’ video. Things got crazy, bodies and balls were flying constantly. Check out the webisode of that and the out-takes from the music video. We'll be bringing you another installment next week with more footage and craziness from the road. We look forward to seeing you headbanging in the crowds across the country. Be sure to stop by our merch table to give us some high-fives.”

Himsa recently completed a very unique video for the track, 'Big Timber', with director Jared Eberhardt. This is an abstract clip that focuses on the journeys of Sasquatch; you have to see it to truly believe it. Click the link below to check it out.

Himsa TV Episode 1:

'Big Timber':
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