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 THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online   THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online EmptyMer 13 Aoû - 22:02

THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online

THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online T94906 Century Media Records reports:

After performing a triumphant show at Germany’s Wacken festival, Swedish metallers THE HAUNTED have now posted a brand-new track off their new album Versus at their re-designed Myspace site.

Check out the intense album opening track 'Moronic Colossus' at this location.

Once again produced with Tue Madsen (who also worked with The Haunted on rEVOLVEr and The Dead Eye) at PUK, Antfam and IF Studio, Versus features a “No click tracks, no triggers, no faking it” approach and consequently develops a fascinating level of dynamics and heaviness from its basic live-recording procedure that lets the band’s uncompromising power-groove do the talking!

Versus tracklisting:
'Walk On Water',
'Final Regression',
'Moronic Colossus',
'Little Cage'.

Versus will be released on the following dates:

Sweden: Wednesday, September 17th
Germany / Austria / Switzerland / Benelux / Italy: Friday, September 19th
UK / France / Greece / Denmark / Norway / Rest Of Europe: Monday, September 22nd
Spain / Portugal: Tuesday, September 23rd
Finland / Hungary: Wednesday, September 24th
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online   THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online EmptyMer 13 Aoû - 22:03

THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online 94906

For all further info on the The Haunted as well as videos from the recording sessions and pre-production for Versus visit
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THE HAUNTED - New Song Now Streaming Online
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