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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: NOCTURNAL RITES   NOCTURNAL RITES EmptyDim 28 Jan - 22:15

NOCTURNAL RITES To Start Mixing New Album On Monday

NOCTURNAL RITES T59238 NOCTURNAL RITES bassist Nils Eriksson has issued the following update:

"Hey, we will fix our forum once and for all next week. Sorry about this crap, but we've been way too busy recording to even think about any website related stuff. Good news is that we will start mixing our yet untitled album on Monday!

Honestly, this album feels really different, fresh and new. Still it sounds like us, in some wierd way. Guess we can't escape the NR ghost. However, we have some REALLY cool songs on the way. Be patient.

Tons of stuff will be up here soon, like studio pics and whatnot. We will be back asap with tracklisting, release dates and whatever else we know by then."

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: NOCTURNAL RITES   NOCTURNAL RITES EmptyJeu 22 Fév - 18:06

NOCTURNAL RITES Complete Mastering Of New Album

Bassist Nils Eriksson from Swedish power metal NOCTURNAL RITES, has issued the following update:

"Hey, got back the mastering today and the album sounds killer, of course. Just a few more days and we'll let you all know all details about the upcoming release. If you're lucky it won't be long until we post some new shit on here as well. Oh, we tried to delete all the spam bots and crap going on in the forum. I guess we got some of it but not all, though. I guess we'll have to keep locking these news treads, like we've been forced to do for quite some time now. If anyone has the perfect remedy for all this spam crap, please let our webmaster know."

As previously reported, Nocturnal Rites have been confirmed to play the Sweden Rock Festival, which runs from June 6th to 9th in Sölvesborg, Sweden. The exact day of their performance has yet to be determined
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