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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LORDI   LORDI EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 1:07

LORDI Vainqueur de L'Eurovision,
vous avez voté pour eux......OHHHHH alors si vous voulez retrouver le groupe en "Live" nous vous conseillons le WACKEN RAOD SHOW 2003 ou vous pouvez retrouver le groupe en "Live" version club pendant 7 chansons ... avec un show partagé la scéne avec Onkel Tom - Amon Amarth - Mob Rule spendant cette tournée Eurpéenne ...Vive Lordi !!!
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyLun 7 Aoû - 22:33

LORDI - Archbishop Christodoulos Denies Having Criticised Finland's Eurovision Winner

NewsRoom Finland ( has been updated with the following report:

Archbishop Christodoulos, the head of the Ortohodox Church in Greece, denied having criticised Finnish Eurovision winner LORDI, provincial daily Savon Sanomat reported Saturday.

The archbishop denied having criticised Lordi and said the news item on the matter was nonsense. "It is common in Greece to put the strangest comments into the mouth of the archbishop," Archbishop Christodoulos said according to the paper.

It was reported after the Eurovision Song Contest in May that the archbishop had strongly condemned the Finnish monster band.

Archbishop Christodoulos arrived in Finland Friday for an official visit on the invitation of Finland's orthodox Archbishop Leo.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyLun 14 Aoû - 20:22

LORDI Postage Stamps, Commemorative Coins On The Way
LORDI T49420ol7

Jaunted ( ) has issued the following report:

Remember LORDI, the scary Finnish band that wore masks, frightened children, and then went on to win the Eurovision Song Contest? The Finns were a little embarrassed of the band before the competition began, but because everyone loves a winner, the country now has full-fledged Lordi mania.

To wit, the town of Rovaniemi has renamed a central square after the band; Tarja Halonen, Finland's president/resident Conan O'Brien impersonator praised the band for doing "Finnish quality work"; and, our favorite, there are plans for Lordi postage stamps and commemorative coins, although we presume they won't be produced by the Franklin mint.

We guess the Finns would rather be famous for their crazy band than for the whole cell-phone innovation thing. Strange, yes, but it's hard to argue with a band that has Satan wings on their costumes.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyJeu 17 Aoû - 19:58

LORDI - Cola To Be Named After Eurovision Winners has issued the following report:

Finish hard rock group and Eurovision winners will be honoured with a cola named after their group LORDI, which will be produced by the Olvi Group and will start selling as of next month.

Mr Lordi, one of the group members, designed 5 labels showing each group member with his monster mask and another showing the whole band.

Ritva Sinisalo from Olvi Group said "the Lordi phenomenon has brought the whole nation together.” Lordi won the Eurovision 2006 contest in Athens; the band is well known for their 'Arockalypse' and 'The Day Of Rockoning' songs.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptySam 26 Aoû - 17:09

LORDI Helps Finland Change Its Tune
LORDI T49922qr5

The following report is courtesy of Dan Bilefsky from the New York Times News:

Before the Finnish heavy-metal band LORDI won the Eurovision Song Contest in May with its anthem Hard Rock Hallelujah, its many critics warned that the latex-wearing monster mutants would embarrass Finland, inspire Satanic worship and scare children by blowing up Barbie dolls on stage.

But after ending Finland's 40-year losing streak at the Eurovision contest, the world's biggest celebration of pop-music kitsch, the demonic quintet has been transformed from national scourges into national heroes - suggesting that the winner still takes all, even in self-effacing Finland and even when the winners dress like Gothic trolls.

The lionizing of the former outcasts has reached such surreal heights that there are plans in the works for a Lordi postage stamp, Lordi action figures, a Lordi comic book series, Lordi commemorative coins and Lordi the movie - a horror film starring the band members as themselves.

President Tarja Halonen, once lobbied by horrified Finns to withdraw Lordi from Eurovision, recently praised its retractable Satan wings and slasher-film-inspired lyrics as "Finnish quality work." Pepsi has begun advertising its drinks in Finland with the slogan "Hard Drink Hallelujah," and Finnish magazines are publishing cut-out Lordi monster masks that children can wear at school.

Town officials in Rovaniemi, home of Lordi's lead singer, near the Arctic Circle, recently renamed a large central square after Lordi and built a wall of fame with the band's handprints.

Previously derided for polluting the morals of Finnish youth, the band's drummer, Kita, has had a youth center named after him in his hometown, Karkkila, in southern Finland.

Mantasala, the birthplace of Amen, the band's guitar-playing mummy, has paid homage by erecting an abstract rock sculpture called "Hard Rock" near his old high school.

Finnish observers say the Lordi fever is part of a general sense of cultural assertion as Finland grows into its role as the holder of the revolving presidency of the European Union, basks in its high-technology economy and sheds any complexes it might have about what it means to be Finnish.

Even Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen is solidifying his heavy-metal credentials: he was recently photographed with the band, his pinky, index finger and thumb raised in a rock-music salute.

"We are now seen as the miracle of the north, the land of Nokia and high-tech, one of the most competitive economies in the world, and a country that is rocking and rolling," said Alex Stubb, a Finnish member of the European Parliament.

Tomi Putaansuu, the band's leader and lead singer, has a theory about Lordi's sudden rehabilitation.

"Being a hero is easy: You just have to win the Eurovision Song Contest, apparently," Putaansuu said recently. "Until a few weeks ago the whole nation was against us totally - they did not want us to represent Finland.

To read the rest of this report head to this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyDim 27 Aoû - 12:58

Eurovision Song Contest winners LORDI will be honored with a cola named after them in their native Finland.

According to BBC News, the hard rock group's singer, known as Mr. Lordi, has designed labels featuring the five members in their monster masks and one of the whole band. Check out pictures of the Lordi Cola labels:


"The LORDI phenomenon has brought the whole nation together," said Ritva Sinisalo, of drink maker Olvi Group.

LORDI's song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" was the surprise winner at the 51st Eurovision in Athens in May.

It was Finland's first victory in the event.

LORDI Cola is due to go on sale next month.

(Thanks: God Of Reptiles) .

& oui Razz bounce

Dernière édition par le Lun 28 Aoû - 22:48, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyLun 25 Sep - 23:44

LORDI Overwhelmed By Sexual Offers!

The following report is courtesy of Alasdair Rendall from

According to an interview with the band in the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat, LORDI are being overwhelmed by sexual offers! Mr Lordi himself has said "The Germans seem pretty crazy about having sex with me in my masks". Furthermore, drummer Kita has remarked that the Sex offers seem to be coming from all sides - from women AND from men! Well that shouldn't really come as any surprise to Kita - who's already given an interview to the gay mag Stadtmagazin, making clear the band have no problems whatsoever with having gay fans.

So have the band, with their "sexy" monstermasks unleashed a new sexual fetish? Well sex with one of the cleaver-wielding band members would certainly make a change from some of the fetishes out there!! One interesting question - is this slightly novel obsession something to do with the way the band looks, or rather just their music? Whoever wants to admit to knowing the answer should let us know.....discretion will of course be assured!
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyLun 25 Sep - 23:44

Lordi figureront dans le Guiness World Records 2007 pour avoir réaliser le plus grand karaoke du monde lors de la fête donnée en leur honneur après leur victoire à l'Eurovision, avec plus de 80000 personnes chantant le titre vainqueur du concours.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyJeu 28 Sep - 20:14

Lordi Est De Retour !

La tournée Européenne de LORDI, gagnant surprise du récent concours de l'Eurovision, a commencé le 16 septembre dernier à Stockholm et se terminera le 31 octobre à Londres, le soir d'Halloween.

Les monstres Finlandais seront de passage à Paris, à l'Elysée Montmartre le 24 octobre, pour un show qui promet d'être apocalyptique !

Le groupe vient de terminer le tournage du clip de « Would You Love A Monsterman », nouveau single extrait de l'édition spéciale de l'album « Arockalypse » qui sortira le 2 octobre en France. Datant déjà de 2001, ce titre a été un énorme hit en Finlande, mais n'avait cependant jamais été vraiment distribué dans notre pays, d'où l'idée de l'inclure sur cette édition spéciale. Outre ce « nouveau » morceau, ce disque présentera deux autres chansons supplémentaires – « Mr. Killjoy » et « Evilove » - par rapport à la version originale. Un DVD sera également disponible en bonus (voir tous les détails ci-dessous).

En Finlande, le succès du groupe ne cesse de s'accroître. Alors que le Lordi Cola vient d'être mis sur le marché (objectif de vente 1 million de bouteilles en un an rien que sur le marché Finnois), une banque propose maintenant une carte de crédit Lordi, alors qu'en 2007 la Poste Finlandaise éditera une série de timbres à l'effigie du groupe. Bref on n'a pas fini d'entendre parler de LORDI, d’autant que les ventes de l’album décollent un peu partout dans le monde.

En France, ce soir, jeudi 28 septembre, un sujet sur LORDI sera diffusé vers minuit dans l'émission Tracks sur Arte.

La semaine prochaine, samedi 7 octobre, LORDI sera l'un des invités de On Est Pas Couché, la nouvelle émission de Laurent Rucquier sur France 2 (diffusion à partir de 23h15).

The Arockalypse Special Edition, liste des titres :

1. Scg3 Special Report
2. Bringing Back The Balls To Rock
3. Deadite Girls Gone Wild
4. Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead

5. It Snows In Hell (Single Version)
6. Who's Your Daddy?
7. Hard Rock Hallelujah
8. They Only Come Out At Night
9. Chainsaw Buffet
10. Good To Be Bad
11. Night Of The Loving Dead

12. Supermonstars (The Anthem Of The Phantoms)
13. Would You Love A Monsterman? (2006)
14. Mr. Killjoy
15. Evilove

+ DVD Bonus :
* Reportage : le retour à la maison après la victoire (remise des clés de la ville et mini concert filmé devant des milliers de fans sur la place du marché à Helsinki
* 2 clips videos : "Hard Rock Hallelujah" et "Who’s Your Daddy"
* 6 TV-shows “Hello Athens” extraits du concours de l'Eurovision
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyVen 29 Sep - 19:10

LORDI - The Arockalypse Goes Gold In Sweden

According to, LORDI have received a gold disc for their album The Arockalypse in Sweden. The Arockalypse topped the album charts and stayed in the Top Ten for several weeks. The gold status means that 30,000 copies have been sold to date. The single 'Hard Rock Hallelujah' reached 9th position at its peak and stayed in the Top 60 for almost four months. In Germany, Lordi's single was in the Top 10 for seven weeks, having reached fifth position. So far, an impressive 150,000 units have been purchased. Currently, the song is still in the Top 100 of the single charts while the album is also quite successful, having been in the Top Ten for a month.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyDim 8 Oct - 14:42

Décidèment, on n'arrête plus LORDI !! Après avoir remporté l'Eurovision, puis explosé les charts finlandais; le groupe finnois vient d'avoir une nouvelle récompense en Suede: en effet, l'album "The Arockalypse" vient d'être certifié disque d'or avec 30000 copies écoulées sur le territoiire suedois.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyDim 29 Oct - 16:16

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyVen 3 Nov - 20:21

LORDI To Award Prize At Tonight's MTV Europe Music Awards; Watch Live Online ( ) report:

Tonight (Novemer 3rd), the MTV Europe Music Awards will be given out for the 13th time. Many Eurovison Song Contest stars will be among the nominees.

Furthermore, LORDI, the 2006 Song Contest winners for Finland, will award one of the prizes. Dima Bilan, who was runner-up in Athens for Russia with the song 'Never Let You Go' is going to sing a song in Italian.

You can watch the live broadcast on the internet . It's the only possibility to catch the whole event in Copenhagen, hosted by JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, since the complete show won't be broadcast on TV. There you can also find a chatroom where you can write about your ideas on the show!
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyJeu 16 Nov - 21:30

LORDI Rumored To Be Joining Forces With Legendary KISS Manager Bill Aucoin?

Helsingin Sanomat has issued the following report from Matti Riekki:

If everything had gone completely according to the original plan, then the members of rock act LORDI would still be unknown to the general public - aside from in their monster roles and extravagant costumes.

Such a vacuum in their civilian profiles would have paved the way for a truly splendid work of fiction about their monstrous characters and behaviour.

Things did not go quite that way, however. After the sensational Eurovision victory had been snatched up by Mr. Lordi and his scaly and sharp-nailed chums, the entire five-piece outfit wound up on the tabloid flyers with their faces rudely shorn of latex.

YOU being a monster after that.

Jussi Ahlroth's lavishly illustrated 270-page Lordi volume deals with the monster rockers by their given names rather than their roles - in other words they are real people with real lives.

This is simultaneously the book's strength and its main weakness.

On the one hand, the approach does work. The history of the phenomenon known as Lordi, with its disappointments and lucky breaks, is dealt with in such a way that it is obvious to all readers that the band's boss and front-man, Tomi Putaansuu from Rovaniemi, has worked his ass off in order to realise the dreams he had as a little boy.

Then again, this is really just about his work, and for all the interesting details and sometimes surprising connections that are thrown up, the shaping of Putaansuu's dream into its present manifestation does not make for incredibly fascinating reading.

To boil it all down: a man who has always wanted to be a monster, is now one, and that's about all there is to it.

There is also a slight problem lurking in the fact that basically Putaansuu is a nice gent.

There's no getting away from it; he doesn't get trashed or throw TVs out of hotel windows, and as a result the team doesn't exactly stampede across the pages of the book, either.

Of course, opinions can vary, but in my view at least, a book about rock should be able to sling a little ordure on the walls.

The most exciting stuff in the Mie oon Lordi book (the title translates to "I Am Lordi", but delivered in a thick Rovaniemi dialect - the one Putaansuu shied away from using too much for fear it might undercut the menace of his character) is on the level of who was going out with whom, and what people thought about it.

And this is not really enough.

Still, I suppose the official biographical tomes about Lordi's great-grand-daddy, the American band KISS, were not themselves exactly a milestone of gonzo journalism. So the Finnish band are on the same wavelength as their idols.

The object of the book is presumably to present properly the idea of and the background to the whole Lordi creation, and to correct some widely-held false assumptions, and in this department it does its job well enough.

Ahlroth writes fluently, the book is well structured, the layout is nice, and it is not difficult to wade through the entire package.

A little extra scaly flesh around the bones comes in the form of an appendix that collects all sorts of trivia information from the background to the individual Lordi characters through the making of the masks and the stage pyrotechnics on, and on to merchandising matters.

In a few "Lordi Lets Rip" side-bar panels, our friendly demon expresses his opinions on various subjects that get on his wick, such as music critics, the media, and booze. It would have done no harm to have a bit more oomph in this section, too, as most of the growling is pretty predictable stuff.

The book is actually at its best in the opening pages, where Putaansuu's monstrous - in the nicest possible sense of the word - childhood is presented to the reader more in a narrative fashion than in dry reference book manner.

One witty touch is that his childhood snapshots have been systematically retouched to show Mr. Lordi's features rather than the young Tomi who smiles out from the family album pages.

This entertaining opening section again makes one ponder what could have been achieved with a fictitious bio, if only the mystery surrounding the band and its members had not been punctured along the way, or in other words without all the fuss surrounding this year's Eurovision Song Contest.

Then again, without that, would it be likely we'd have had this book at all?

In any event, Jussi Ahlroth's effort is unlikely to be the last word on Lordi, at least if the rumours that the legendary KISS manager Bill Aucoin might be getting involved with the band prove to be true.
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Nombre de messages : 123
Age : 54
Localisation : Ile de France
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LORDI   LORDI EmptyVen 29 Déc - 21:18

Leur nouveau DVD "Market Square Massacre" vaut le détour. Très sobre au niveau présentation (pas de livret) le contenu est quant à lui bien complet :

Leur prestation en 1/2 finale de l'euro
Leur prestation en finale de l'euro Twisted Evil
Leur concert en Finlande devant des dixaines de milliers de personnes
5 clips vidéos
Un making of du film "The King"

A noter que le réalisateur du concert n'a pas pû filmer le devant de la scène parmis les spectateurs car ceux-ci avaient déployés une énorme banderole!
Heureusement, cela n'enlève rien à l'événement!
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