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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LORDI   LORDI EmptyMer 25 Juil - 22:25

LORDI Cancel Off-Date North American Shows

LORDI 70620

Finland's monster rock n roll band LORDI, currently on the mainstage of Ozzfest 2007 (with headliners OZZY OSBOURNE, LAMB OF GOD and STATIC-X), have cancelled their previously announced off-date shows during the summer tour.

In a written statement from the band it says: “Things have been going exceptionally well for Lordi this summer on Ozzfest 2007. We’ve had some great crowd responses so far and the shows have been a lot of fun. Lots of rock n’ roll and pyro!

And because the shows have been going over so well – the fans really are into what Lordi have brought to the tour - we feel that taking the LORDI show into a smaller club environment won’t deliver the full stage show that we are playing every night as part of Ozzfest so we’ve decided to cancel the previously announced off-date shows in Montreal, Toronto and Chicago. We don't want to downsize the band's explosive show!

We do hope that those who have bought tickets to come to the off-dates will make it out to Ozzfest and see us and all the other great bands playing in front of thousands of fans.”

Ozzfest 2007 continues till the end of August. See full tour dates here. Lordi released their album The Arockalypse March 20th, 2007 in North America on The End Records.

In other news, an interview with Lordi is now appearing on Monsters HD (the first 24/7 commercial-free all horror channel that broadcasts in 1080i high definition) both online and on the network.You can view the interview with Lordi online at (make sure to maximize the screen on the player located underneath the TV screen) or tune into the Monsters HD channel on the Dish Network or Cablevision. The piece will air throughout the rest of the summer to promote their appearance on Ozzfest.
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