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 Where Angels Fall

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Where Angels Fall Empty
MessageSujet: Where Angels Fall   Where Angels Fall EmptyLun 5 Mar - 19:07

Ils ont sorti leur premier album en 2006 : Illuminate, 4 morceaux en écoute ici :

c'est du métal gothique à chant féminin, avec des éléments sympho et électroniques.

Where Angels Fall 1203577004_m

Ils font le bilan de l'année avec la recherche d'un nouveau label :

Wishing you a happy new year!
Hello everybody!

Hope you readers have had a wonderful christmas! I hope this year brought you most of what you wished for.

This year has been exiting, but also frustrating for us in the band. The first half of the year was a blast with a lot of gigs here in Norway, but also a period where we learned a lot about the musicbusiness. We want to thank all of you who has supported us at concerts, and all of you that has sendt us nice comments! You know, we make music to soothe our own hearts, but playing it, recording it and releasing it is for you. Your support makes that work worth it! Smile

So.. yes, the first half of the year was very active, with a lot of gigs. We were fortunate enough to play support for Theatre of Tragedy and Mortiis among others. It has also been the year of parting ways...

At the start of the year we fired our manager. I guess we are better off handling the business for ourselves!

We used the summer to make some new songs, and we discovered that we all have developed as songwriters and musicians. During that period Eirin, André and Kristian became very close as a band, doing a lot of creative work together. At the end of the summer we parted with our drummer, Ole Kristian. He is now the drummer of the powermetalband Thunderbolt, who has got exellent reviews for their latest album. We wish him the best! Smile For the nearest future we will use a sessiondrummer for our gigs and recordings.

We also parted ways with our label. The main reason for that, is because we want to reach a larger audience and be able to do tours. That means.. we are searching for a new label! ;-)

We have used the last part of this year to make songs and for practicing a lot individually. Now we have more than enough new songs for an album. I guess it will be hard to choose. ;-)

So for the new year we have a few wishes: We want to tour and we want to record a new album!

Best wishes to you all!

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Where Angels Fall Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Where Angels Fall   Where Angels Fall EmptyLun 5 Mar - 19:07

ils viennent de mettre un nouveau titre démo en ligne, peut être un peu moins linéaire ...

Where Angels Fall L_38767a0e3262e0af0b76bb8a1d6d3717
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Where Angels Fall Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Where Angels Fall   Where Angels Fall EmptyLun 28 Mai - 23:19

une vidéo pour que ça passe mieux encore !

+ 2 nouvelles demos en écoute : "Freedom is Finite" et "Path of Sorrow" :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Where Angels Fall Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Where Angels Fall   Where Angels Fall EmptyLun 24 Mar - 13:42

le point sur leur nouvel album, sur leur space :


We have a little update on the new album. The album was finished, mixed and ready to go to mastering, but in last minute we found our new bassplayer, Espen.

He took some days to practice and then replaced the original basstracks! Sounds great! :-)

What we plan to do now, is to print some promos exlusively for interested labels. So this is a good time to contacts us if you are interested in offering us a deal, a traditional record deal, a distributiondeal, or a lincencingdeal.

Cheers from the angels!
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Where Angels Fall Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Where Angels Fall   Where Angels Fall Empty

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