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 THE ANGELS (the angels city)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THE ANGELS  (the  angels city) Empty
MessageSujet: THE ANGELS (the angels city)   THE ANGELS  (the  angels city) EmptyDim 9 Nov - 23:15

THE ANGELS Revitalise Great Australian Rock

THE ANGELS  (the  angels city) 100482

The following story is courtesy of Paul Cashmere from

Watching the look on Chris Bailey's face as he turned around and nodded to Buzz Bidstrup and then turned to the left for a nod of approval from John Brewster said it all. The original ANGELS are back together and they know they are good.

This is the band we never thought we would see together again. A bitter legal battle between Doc Neeson and the Brewster Brothers wasted a lot of time in the last 7 years.

After they all saw that the only people benefiting from the battle were the lawyers, a truce was called and the band reunited with the line-up from the first four albums, a line-up that hadn’t been together since 1982.

The Angels today are Doc Neeson (vocals), Rick Brewster (guitar), John Brewster (guitar), Chris Bailey (bass), Buzz Bidstrup (drums).

When Bailey, Bidstrup and Brewster were nodding their approval, so was the audience. The crowd was witnessing one of Australia’s greatest ever live bands together on stage 30 years after the now classic Face To Face album carved its way into Australian popular culture.

Read more here.
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