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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: SUICIDAL ANGELS   SUICIDAL ANGELS EmptyMer 2 Juil - 3:44

SUICIDAL ANGELS Rehearsing New Songs, Planning European Tour

SUICIDAL ANGELS T92449 Greek old school thrashers SUICIDAL ANGELS have issued the following update:

"We gladly inform you that Suicidal Angels are spending their time rehearsing new songs for their second full length album due in 2009.

So far we have 5 songs ready and they mean serious thrash business! The new record will feature fast and aggressive thrash tunes like the first one, but rest assured we won't create an exact copy of Eternal Domination!

The new tunes are shaping up with interesting differences compared to the E.D songs and we are all very pleased with the outcome.

What's more, Suicidal Angels are working on a European tour in winter, when they will present some of the new tunes, plus a concert in their hometown, Athens, sometime soon!

Stay tuned for more information, as the plans to hit the stage again are in motion!"
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