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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 15:42

AFTER FOREVER - Cleaning The Rehearsal Room; Video Footage Online

have posted video footage online of the band cleaning their rehearsal room in preparation for working on their next album. The five minute video gives fans a glimpse of how glamorous the life of a rock star isn't. Click check it out.

As previously reported, After Forever and Transmission Records officially parted ways on June 6th, 2006. The band has issued a the new statement with regards to the After Forever compilation, Mea Culpa, being release by the label:

"The cooperation with Transmission is over. The ways in which this has come to pass are characteristic for the way our cooperation was actually like in the last period of its existence. It was one-sided and mainly in the best interest of Transmission. The bands interests were barely considered in the several decisions made.

As the band, we have not been involved in the compilation of Mea Culpa and neither will we, by the looks of things now, be involved in any possible future releases of the back catalogue. We are thrilled to say that we are about to enter a new stage in our careers with a new partner. Here, the most will be made of the opportunities and the possibilities of the band."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyLun 7 Aoû - 16:24

AFTER FOREVER have posted video footage from their first rehearsal for the recording sessions for the next album online. to check it out.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyLun 7 Aoû - 17:37

Afin de conclure la collaboration avec leur label Transmission Records, AFTER FOREVER vont sortir une compilation 'Best of', sous-divisée en deux chapitres : le premier, "The Road to Epica" récapitulera les débuts du groupe avec le guitariste/membre fondateur et compositeur Mark Jensen, et le deuxième, la suite après le départ de Mark parti fonder Epica. Intitulée "Mea Culpa", cette compilation prendra forme d'un double CD de 32 titres (!) incluant de nombreux inédits, versions demo, remixes, entre autres duos avec Sharon den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION), Arjen Lucassen et Damian Wilson (AYREON) ou encore Marco Hietala (NIGHTWISH).

Et voici la pochette :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyJeu 10 Aoû - 3:02

une video des premieres répétitions pour le prochain album :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 13 Aoû - 13:39

AFTER FOREVER - New Rehearsal Video Footage Online

AFTER FOREVER have posted video footage from their second rehearsal for their upcoming recording sessions at their official website. Click to check it out. Footage from their first rehearsal as well as pictures can be found in the "downloads" section at this location.

As previously reported, After Forever issued the following announcement yesterday:

"After our gig at the Booch? Festival in Heerlen (NL) the 20th August we are having an after-party in my favourite bar, De Kroniek, and you're all invited!!! From 8:00 o'clock everyone of the band will be there to have a glass of beer and a chat with you guys. We also have a 'special suprise' for you! Also DJ Theo Samson will be there with his radio program Rock On Your Radio so we can listen to all the classic rock-songs!!
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyMer 23 Aoû - 11:12

AFTER FOREVER Vocalist Updates Online Diary

AFTER FOREVER vocalist Floor Jansen has updated her online diary. Fans can go to this location to check it out.

As previously reported, After Forever are currently working on their follow-up to their Remagine album. They have posted video footage from their second rehearsal for their upcoming recording sessions at their official website. Click to check it out. Footage from their first rehearsal as well as pictures can be found in the "downloads" section at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyVen 25 Aoû - 1:25

un video clip de Floor Jansen avec une chanson des BEATLES "She's Leaving Home" avec le groupe hollandais KEVERS au Lowlands Festival du (August 19)
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptySam 26 Aoû - 13:56

AFTER FOREVER - New Rehearsal Video Footage, Pictures From Booch Festival Performance Online
AFTER FOREVER 8117792611330bgel1

As previously reported, After Forever are currently working on the follow-up to their Remagine album. They have posted video footage from their third rehearsal for their upcoming recording sessions at their official website. Click to check it out. Footage from their previous rehearsals can be found in the "downloads" section at this location.

In addition, pictures from the band's recent performance have been added to the site. Click the second link above and go to the "photo gallery" section.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 27 Aoû - 13:12

quelques videos de plus sur l'enregistrement de l'album
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyLun 18 Sep - 12:48

AFTER FOREVER - New Promo Pictures Of Vocalist FLOOR JANSEN Online
Picture by: Andrea Beckers

New promo pictures of AFTER FOREVER vocalist Floor Jansen are now available at the band's official website. Go to this location , head to "photogallery" and click on "promo pictures" to check them out

As previously reported, After Forever are currently working on a new album and have uploaded video footage from the studio at their official website. Click to check it out. The band also has new pictures from their September 9th performance at the Applepop Festival in Tiel, Holland available in the photo gallery section at their official website.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 24 Sep - 23:34

AFTER FOREVER - Fanclub Scheduling Studio Visit For Next Friday

As previously reported, AFTER FOREVER are currently in the studio working on a new album. The official After Forever fanclub, Beyond Them, is organizing a studio visit for fanclub members in cooperation with the band. They have issued the following details:

"As promised, the band would like to invite you to pay them a visit in the studio, where they have momentarily been working on their new album. Their first week in the studio has passed, and they have even managed to finish recording the drums already! According to Luuk, this alone already sounds pretty heavy!

On Friday the 29th of September, you are more than welcome to come and judge it for yourself! Besides a special tour, they wont let us leave without letting us hear something first! The visit starts at 18:00. Afterwards, we will all head out together for a bite to eat (on your own account). The studio is located in Overijssel (close to Holten, NL).

After we have gathered all the necessary information, you will receive more info.

Sign up a.s.a.p. via the website (log in at the Members Area; menu: Fan Area -> Meetings)"

Beyond Them

Anyone who is interested in becoming a member of the fanclub should go to . For more information send an email to .

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyJeu 2 Nov - 1:40

AFTER FOREVER - New Album Nearing Completion, Guitarist Comments On Label Negotiations

AFTER FOREVER guitarist Sander Gommans has issued the following update:

"The past period I haven't been able to visit the forum a lot due to the recordings and the negotiations with the labels.
Well, the recordings are almost finished (I'll be in the studio for about one week more), this weekend we visited Prague to do something very special, more about that later!

About the new label(s), as you already might know we signed a deal with a Dutch company called The Entertainment Group, which will make After Forever an even more independant band with more financial means to accomplish our goals. They've made a lot of really cool things possible so far, you'll be aware of that when you listen to the album

There are also some rumors about a definite deal with Nucclear Blast, the upcoming week I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen. I'll make sure there will be a couple of new vids placed on the site in a few days, enjoy them!

See you later!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 5 Nov - 23:31

AFTER FOREVER - Label Deal With Nuclear Blast Limited To Europe

As previously reported, AFTER FOREVER have signed with Nuclear Blast for the release of their next studio album, which is currently being recorded. According to a BW&BK source the deal is only for the European market. It's not known at this time if the band is in negotiations with a North American label, but more information is expected to surface soon.

Nuclear Blast Germany recently issued the following press release with regards to the signing:

Another superb band has found its way to the realms of Nuclear Blast – After Forever! The Dutch act around front amazon Floor Jansen (also known from various guest appearances for projects of Arjen Lucassen - AYREON) is specialized in thrilling melodic/gothic metal and ranks among the "big ones" of the scene in their home country. The band already toured with NIGHTWISH and had appearances at every important festival BeNeLux-wide (such as Lowlands, Pinkpop, Graspop, Dynamo Open Air, Fields Of Rock), not to forget a steadily growing fan base in South America, France, Spain and Germany!

Guitarist Sander Gommans about the signing: "After Forever has grown a lot the past years, we've done more and more shows and festivals worldwide and also experienced a lot of improvement musically. I feel that After Forever is stronger than ever, as a group but also musically, this is the right time to choose for a label that can help us realising our dreams! Because the core of the After Forever songs is metal orientated, it's a very natural decision for us to choose for Nuclear Blast!"

After Forever have almost finished the recordings for their new, yet untitled album, which is going to be released in Spring 2007. Produced by Gordon Groothedde (Dutch studio luminary), the record not only contains great new songs but also an overwhelming session with the Prague Symphonic Orchestra! A tour afterwards is already planned as well.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 19 Nov - 17:17

AFTER FOREVER Vocalist FLOOR JANSEN - "I Didn't Study Classical Song And Musical Theater For Nothing"

AFTER FOREVER T55185 The following is an excerpt from an interview with AFTER FOREVER vocalist Floor Jansen translated from Dutch. It appears at the band's fan forum and focuses on Jansen's career as a vocalist:

Q: The Lowlands show was pretty good. It's surprising, too, to hear you sing in Dutch.

Jansen: "Thanks. It was a a nice project, anyway. Beatles songs were sang by the singers of famous Dutch bands such as THE SHEER, RANCID and KREZIP. I really enjoyed being a part of it. I was surprised at the tremendously full marquee, though - that took some getting used to."

Q: Was it a preview of you post-After Forever plans? Light music and musicals?

Jansen: "No, no, no. I'm a musician with a wide scope of interests. After Forever is really my number one passion, but I didn't study classical song and musical theater for nothing. I wouldn't just want to do theater. And post-After Forever? Well, rock, metal, pop, musical, everything is possible."

Q: You've also studied at the Rock Academie (Dutch pop/rock music school), as one of the first students I think. Would you recommend it?

Jansen: "I was indeed among the first students. Jaqueline from Krezip was my classmate. I can't really tell what it's like now. We were the guinea pigs, really, there were still some flaws. Can I recommend it? Well, critics say it doesn't teach you anything that experience won't. That may be true, but it has done a lot for me. You learn a lot business-wise, you build a network, you get better technically. I did want to widen my scope as far as singing is concerned. That's why I went to the Tilburg Conservatory, to study musical theater."

Q : How do the people at the conservatory react to your band performances?

Jansen: "Really good, actually. Our music is very theatrical, melodic and musical as well. They like my voice. They generally like the grunts less, but musical theater people do understand that it adds emotion."

Q : And how about the loud music at shows? Did your teachers warn you a lot?

Jansen: "Actually, I realized I had to be careful myself pretty soon. Singing is my passion, what I'm good at, but you do need ears for that. I started using an in-ear monitor system early on. I'm always amazed at how little musicians care for their hearing. If I'd go to a concert without earplugs myself, I'd go mad. It's really stupid not to do anything about it. Hah, put that in your story!"

Q : So Lowlands was a bit of an outing. You're really busy with After Forever now.

Jansen: "Yes, we're rehearsing the new After Forever album, our fifth. We're going to record it in the Rooftop Studio with producer Gordon Groothedde! He's worked with Sheer and Intwine before, among others, and he'd like to produce a real heavy band."

Q: What do you expect of the 'sound' of the CD, with this producer?

Jansen: "I think we can present all our potential in one package, now."

Q: How do you mean?

Jansen: "Well, we've obviously shown very different sides of ourselves in the previous four CDs. Heavy tracks and melodic, more quiet work. You'll hear all those elements on the new album. We're exploring the boundaries. We're showing the extremes in a new package."

Q: And the album title?

Jansen: "I won't tell you, we're not making that public yet. It'll probably be out in spring 2007. You'll have to wait a bit."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 26 Nov - 0:23

AFTER FOREVER - Dutch Language Interview With FLOOR JANSEN Now Available In English

AFTER FOREVER T55556 As previously reported, a Dutch language interview with AFTER FOREVER vocalist Floor Jansen is available here. The English translation appears below:

It's been silent for a while where After Forever is concerned. Early in the year, they did a short, three-week tour of some European venues, and after that, according to the band, they played some really cool festivals. But after that, everyone seemed to have disappeared into thin air. However, behind the scenes, hidden from outside eyes, a lot was taking place. For instance, after a long, difficult process, record label Transmission Records was dismissed, and the search for a new deal began. Meanwhile, they were also working on new songs, and a collaboration with The Entertainment Group was started.

About the old label:

Jansen: “We're a band that's really into artistic value and we want to show what we represent, we like to do things our way. In the end, everything should be about the music. Transmission had some strange ideas about that. But what's done is done. I'd like to look forward, to the future, now.”

About the new label:

Jansen: “After the split with Transmission, we first reviewed all the offers we got. And we got a lot of them. We're very proud of that, because it does mean we've made a name for ourselves over the years. The labels came for us because of the quality we offer, and because this kind of music is extremely popular right now. In the end we chose Nuclear Blast, with whom we now have a worldwide licensing deal. That is so cool. Those people have proven themselves internationally, they just know how to take care of business in a professional way. Also, they have the required experience with female fronted metal. This is a big step ahead for us. Everything's looking really positive at the moment. It's great.”

About The Entertainment Group:

Jansen: “Apart from the deal with Nuclear Blast, we also made a business deal with The Entertainment Group. This is a modern way of cooperating, a so-called 'joint venture', where the roles are divided. This is a pretty unique thing in the music industry. You sort of make a product on an equal basis, providing each other with input, back and forth. You can't really imagine a better thing. The Entertainment Group does stem from another scene, with artists like Marco Borsato and Trijntje Oosterhuis (Dutch-language pop singers), but they liked the opportunity to unleash their expertise on our music.”

About the new album

Jansen: “We're working on it at the moment. We started writing again fairly soon and have just finished recording. We worked with Gordon Groothedde, a big name in pop music. He liked the challenge of working with us. I think that counts for something. It was a good time, it was nice working together and the result is better than expected. Everyone is really satisfied with it. It's become a bit of everything. Don't expect anything weird though, the album is a combination of everything we've done so far, but with more extremes. The heavy songs are really heavy, quiet is quiet, and when it 'grooves', it actually 'grooves'. To sum it up, all the old AF ingredients are back, from melodic to spheric to catchy. It's scheduled to be in stores by the end of March."

About a new tour:

Jansen: “We're deciding where to go at the moment. We've worked with a lot of nice people these last few months and that's opened a lot of doors. At the moment, we're talking to all the world, and we have a few options, like going to South America again. That was really cool the last time. The people over there show their enthusiasm in a very different way than those over here, they really freak out when you get on stage. It's great to play over there. All the same, we don't want to neglect our fans over here, that's where our base is, after all. Nothing is set. We just need to look at all the possibilities right now. Festivals, too, because at the time the CD is on the shelves, those are about to begin and the club season has ended. But as I said, we're still looking..."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyJeu 14 Déc - 23:42

AFTER FOREVER guitarist/songwriter Sander Gommans has resumed work on his HDK project while awaiting the release of the recently completed new AFTER FOREVER album.

HDK, whose musical direction is being described by Gommans as "modern trash/death metal with a lot of melodic influences," has laid down a number of tracks with the helo of GOD DETHRONED drummer Ariën van Weesenbeek. Samples of early recordings can be found on Sander's MySpace page. Vocalists (male or female, as long as their vocals are extreme) are also welcome to contact Gommans regarding a possible collaboration with HDK.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyVen 29 Déc - 20:55

AFTER FOREVER - New Self Titled Album To "Show New Elements" But Be "A Reflection Of The Past"

As previously reported, after four full length albums and one mini-album, AFTER FOREVER have decided to make their upcoming album a self-titled release.

Guitarist Sander Gommans comments: "This album does not only show new elements of After Forever, but it's also a reflection of the past. We wrote this album, while negotiating with new labels, and felt a lot of energy.

The previous albums all had their own style and identity. This time we carried these different elements to the extremes. After Forever is a metal band with classical influences, on our upcoming CD the "chemistry" between these two worlds worked out better than ever!

Whatever we did in the past and planed for the future: you'll find it on 'After Forever'!"

After Forever will release their new album in Europe on March 23rd via Nuclear Blast.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AFTER FOREVER   AFTER FOREVER EmptyDim 31 Déc - 1:31

After Forever Signe Chez Nuclear Blast!

AFTER FOREVER, tout comme SIRENIA, a finalement rejoint NUCLEAR BLAST, un label à la hauteur de leur talent et de leurs ambitions, pour sortir dignement son prochain album, prévu pour le mois de Juin prochain. Ce qui signifie pour eux des moyens conséquents pour tout ce qui est promo, vidéos, tournée, etc... Le printemps/été 2007 sera donc très chaud (voir planning des prévisions de sorties plus bas) avec l'arrivée de ce nouvel album, enregistré en compagnie de l'orchestre symphonique de Prague (!!!) et également des prochains NIGHTWISH, EPICA et WITHIN TEMPTATION entre autres
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