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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: ANNIHILATOR   ANNIHILATOR EmptyLun 16 Avr - 19:06

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ANNIHILATOR   ANNIHILATOR EmptyMer 6 Juin - 20:30

ANNIHILATOR Leader Jeff Waters Signs Publishing Deal With Sony/ATV

Songwriter, guitarist and producer Jeff Waters (ANNIHILATOR) has confirmed that he has signed a worldwide (excluding Canada) publishing contract with Sony/ATV Music Publishing.

The deal is for Annihilator’s new CD, Metal, the band's previous 8 studio CDs (including titles like King Of The Kill, Carnival Diablos and Schizo Deluxe) and for future Annihilator recordings.

Sony/ATV Music Publishing is one of the world's largest music publishing companies. The company was formed by the 1995 merger of the Sony Corporation of America's music publishing business with ATV Music, which Michael Jackson had purchased in 1985 for $47 million. Among Sony/ATV's most valuable holdings is the Northern Songs catalogue, consisting of 180 songs written by The Beatles (mostly by Lennon-McCartney).

Annihilator's new album, Metal, was released April 11th in Japan (King Records), April 12th in Australia/New Zealand (World Riot Distributors), April 13th in Germany (SPV Records) and April 16th in the rest of Europe (SPV Records).

Metal’s ten new tracks were recorded by Jeff Waters (guitar, bass and lead vocals on one song), drum legend Mike Mangini and Dave Padden (longtime vocalist and touring guitarist/vocalist). Metal features sensational performances by some of metal's finest players and Annihilator's good friends, like Alexi Laiho (CHILDREN OF BODOM), DANKO JONES, Michael Amott and Angela Gossow (ARCH ENEMY), Corey Beaulieu (TRIVIUM), William Adler (LAMB OF GOD), Jeff Loomis (NEVERMORE), Jesper Strömblad (IN FLAMES), Steve "Lips" Kudlow (ANVIL), Anders Björler (THE HAUNTED), Jacob Lynam (LYNAM) and more.
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