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 Jeff YOUNG [ex guitariste Megadeath]

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Jeff YOUNG [ex guitariste Megadeath] Empty
MessageSujet: Jeff YOUNG [ex guitariste Megadeath]   Jeff YOUNG [ex guitariste Megadeath] EmptyDim 22 Avr - 18:45

Superbe titre mis en ligne Jeff Young et son projet: "...Lost Notes from Los Angeles" (avec Debby Holiday au chant) le titre s'appelle "Peace" en hommage aux victimes de Virginia Tech il y a tout juste quelques jours, et il a écrit ce superbe morceau plein d'émotion 1/4h après avoir vu l'info.

écoutez ce superbe titre, superbe vocaux et guitares :

et lisez les paroles en meme temps

Peace (words & music by Jeff Young)

A mother's son sees the world around him
Innocence in his eyes
The silence inside him
Takes in scenes of life
Sees it all through the mind of a picture screen
What to think
How to feel
It's all been programmed endlessly
Flick the switch
Turn the dial
If you've got the time
Enough to lose your mind

Now it only numbs his senses (all he knows you showed him)
Escape is his reality (real life fades away)
The only peace he finds
From inside
Makes it alright

When he crawls through the window
Steps beyond the rising sun
East of Eden
Through the mirrors of his mind
Peace for everyone

A father cries for the child beside him
The little boy lost inside
The voices around him call
but still he hides deaf & blind
Desensitized from the hate outside
So afraid
Now he's safe in a place that never lies
Where he's brave and there's freedom all around him
That's what it's all about

Now it only numbs his senses
(all he knows you showed him)
Escape is his reality (real life fades away)
The only peace he finds from inside
Makes it alright

When he crawls through the window
Steps beyond the rising sun
East of eden
Through the mirrors of his mind
Peace for everyone
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Jeff YOUNG [ex guitariste Megadeath]
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