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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: MEGADETH Guitarist JEFF YOUNG   MEGADETH Guitarist JEFF YOUNG EmptyDim 17 Aoû - 22:31

MEGADETH Guitarist JEFF YOUNG - Equilibrium Album "85% Complete"
Guitarist JEFF YOUNG (ex-MEGADETH) has posted the following update:

"I want to thank-you so much for your open ears and all the amazingly thoughtful comments and feedback you have shared with me since the initial posting of the three advance tracks from my pending album, Equilibrium.

Special thanks to everybody who has taken the time to write personally, I really appreciatethe kind words and encouragement more than you know. I try my best to respond to everybody but that task is sometimes almost impossible. I don't happen to answer right away, please don't take it personally, I have all your messages saved and I'm slowly responding to each and everyone of them as time allows.

This Equilibrium writing/recording project began back in early 2000 and I 'foolishly figured' it would take four-six months to complete. When you count actual recording time, I guess that prediction wasn't too far off...

What I didn't factor in was the little cancer diagnosis that added 2 1/2 years to the tab. In the midst of my survivorship quest,my brother and I had to band together to save our family business from near bankruptcy- that consumed a couple years more time and focus. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, my marriage broke up and ended along the, how time flies when we're having fun. Who was it that said, 'life is what happens when you're making other plans'.

The best possible news is that all this 'life' that happened along the way has only helped 'allow'...has only helped force me to 'allow' the time for the songs and my playing to evolve and grow. Another wise someone once said,'It's not about the destination, it's about the journey' and I've had to remind myself of that quite often over the past several years.

Today this album 'project'- one that now seems like a 'life's work' is about 85% complete. I'm so excited (but not yet rich enough ;-) to finish the remaining few overdubs, guitar tracks, mixing and get it out already. Although the album is primary acoustic based there is a bunch of electric stuff and steel-string stuffand 12-string stuffand even other stuff that has nothing to do with guitars. As much as I've enjoyed sharing the three finished tracks currently posted, I can't wait to get the other songs out because they are all so different in style and color. Stay tuned for album updates and some more new music coming soon...promise!

Again, thanks for the support and patience."
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