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 MIKE PATTON Makes Even More Friends

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: MIKE PATTON Makes Even More Friends   MIKE PATTON Makes Even More Friends EmptyVen 4 Mai - 20:44

MIKE PATTON Makes Even More Friends Andrew Tijs reports:

The king of collaboration, ex-FAITH NO MORE singer MIKE PATTON, has announced more projects.

According to Billboard, Patton will team up with experimental Austrian musician CHRISTIAN FENNESZ for a twelve date tour in Europe before he brings his other collaborative hip-hop project PEEPING TOM to New Zealand and Australia.

Fennesz is a respected electronic composer, usually working in the medium of white noise. He's worked Ryuichi Sakamoto, Sparklehorse, Jim O'Rourke and David Sylvian from UK avant garde band JAPAN.

While the collaboration is currently only planned for the stage, Patton told Billboard that a recording effort between the two shouldn't be ruled out. That is, if he can find the time. He already has two releases planned for July: a new album from alternative metal outfit TOMAHAWK called Anonymous which reworked traditional Native American songs, and guest vocals on genre-hurdling composer Eyvind Kang's more classical effort Atlantis.

Add this to a soundtrack he's been working on for the forthcoming film A Perfect Place and another collaborative effort with Norwegian artist John Erik Kaada in the form of a DVD, and Patton's starting to look like the busiest man in rock.
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