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 AFTER FOREVER (Makes Guest )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

AFTER FOREVER (Makes Guest ) Empty
MessageSujet: AFTER FOREVER (Makes Guest )   AFTER FOREVER (Makes Guest ) EmptyMar 30 Jan - 16:02

AFTER FOREVER Guitarist / Vocalist Makes Guest Appearance On New ENGINE OF PAIN Album

AFTER FOREVER (Makes Guest ) T59342 AFTER FOREVER guitarist/vocalist Sander Gommans has issued the following update:

"Today, Joep Beckers, the ex-drummer of After Forever, visisted me. Not only did he help me out with some internet/telephone/television problems:-), but he also gave me the new ENGINE OF PAIN album, I Am Your Enemy. I would like to ask the trash metal orientated fans to visit their myspace site On one of the songs, I gave a 'grunting' contribution ;-)

Be sure, their music kicks ass, Joep (and of course all the other bandmembers), you've done a great job!!!"

As previously reported, there will be an official CD presentation on March 10th at De Azijnfabriek in Roermond, the Netherlands. Admission is €7,00 at the door or €5,00 in advance. Doors open at 8:00pm.

I Am Your Enemy was released on January 26th through Lion Music.
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