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 Magic Circle Festival 2007

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Magic Circle Festival 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Magic Circle Festival 2007   Magic Circle Festival 2007 EmptySam 12 Mai - 8:24

GAMMA RAY, DAVID SHANKLE GROUP Confirmed For Germany's Magic Circle Festival

Tickets are available now for the first ever Magic Circle Festival, scheduled for July 7th, 2007 in Bad Arolsen, Germany. They can be purchased at the Magic Circle Music Metal Mall.

In addition to the existing lineup of MANOWAR, HOLYHELL, MAJESTY and MESSIAH’S KISS two more acts have been confirmed for the festival. From Germany, power metal masters GAMMA RAY will be tearing up the stage. Also, DAVID SHANKLE GROUP, featuring former Manowar guitarist David Shankle, will bring heavy metal thunder down upon the true metal fans in attendance.

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