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 Magic Circle Festival DVD

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Magic Circle Festival DVD Empty
MessageSujet: Magic Circle Festival DVD   Magic Circle Festival DVD EmptyDim 22 Juil - 21:41

Magic Circle Festival DVD Due Before Christmas

Magic Circle Festival organizers have issued the following update:

"Magic Circle Music's first festival (which took place July 6th-7th in Bad Arolsen, Germany) was a great success, all thanks to fans from all over the world who came and helped us in writing another chapter in heavy metal history.

We have successfully achieved our goal of saying 'Thank You' to all of you true metal fans by offering a great lineup and a great structure for only 10 EUROS per night. Over 25,000 fans witnessed the ecstasy of metal which will be available on DVD before Christmas!

Stay tuned for more information about Magic Circle Festival 2008, which will be bigger and better in all aspects!

A bold and mighty hail to you all!

Thank you from Magic Circle Music and MANOWAR!"
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