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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyDim 13 Mai - 22:57

Ted Nugent a mis en ligne une video making of de son prochain album, "Love Grenade". Produit dans le home studio , l'album est prévu pour le 2 juillet.

TED NUGENT 1080764065_l
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyDim 17 Juin - 22:51

track listing de Love Grenade :

01. Love Grenade
02. Still Raising Hell
03. Funk U
04. Girlscout Cookies
05. Journey to the Center of Your Mind
06. Geronimo & Me
07. Eaglebrother
08. Spirit of the Buffalo
09. Aborigini
10. Stand
11. Broadside
12. Bridge Over Troubled Daughters
13. Lay With Me
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptySam 23 Juin - 13:52

TED NUGENT - 40th Anniversary Re-Recording Of AMBOY DUKES Hit 'Journey To The Center Of The Mind' Set For New Album

TED NUGENT T68569 The following report is courtesy of Gary Graff from

A 40th anniversary re-recording of the AMBOY DUKES hit 'Journey To The Center Of The Mind' is among the highlights of Love Grenade, TED NUGENT's first set of new material in five years.

The 13-song set, co-produced by NIGHT RANGER's Jack Blades, Nugent's partner in the long-dormant DAMN YANKEES, is due in August on Eagle Rock. The title track, which is the album's first single, is slated to premiere on Friday.

In typical hyperbolic fashion, the Motor City Madman tells that Love Grenade "is an absolute representation of where I am on all levels. We come from the old school of shitkicker, R&B-driven, grinding guitar lovemaster. When you hear it, you're gonna just smile, close your eyes and go, 'Nugent!' It's such a classic piece of what we were brought up on."

Among the new tracks are songs that Nugent has been performing live for several years, including 'Still Raising Hell', 'Bridge Over Troubled Daughters' and 'Funk U'. The album also includes 'Lay With Me', which Nugent calls "a late-night blues impromptu," 'Geronimo And Me' and 'Spirit Of The Buffalo', which he describes as "a new 'Fred Bear'"-style hunting and nature anthem.

The new 'Journey To The Center Of The Mind', meanwhile, is "just ferocious," according to Nugent. "It's probably more sassy than the original, which is really quite a bold, brazen claim. The Amboy Dukes were the quintessential garage band. I wanted to play homage to the privilege of somehow landing in that camp."

Nugent is on the road now and will be touring into early September, after which he concentrates on hunting. He's also talking with Toby Keith about a role in the country star's film adaptation of his hit 'Beer For My Horses', which may begin filming this winter.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyDim 8 Juil - 22:41

TED NUGENT - "Clean And Sober For Fifty-Nine Years, I Am Still Rocking My Brains Out And Approaching My 6,000th Concert"


The following commentary by rock legend TED NUGENT has been posted at

"This summer marks the 40th anniversary of the so-called Summer of Love. Honest and intelligent people will remember it for what it really was: The Eve of Destruction.

Forty years ago, hordes of stoned, dirty, stinky hippies converged on San Francisco to "turn on, tune in and drop out," which was the calling card of LSD proponent Timothy Leary. Turned off by the work ethic and productive American Dream values of their parents, hippies instead opted for a cowardly, irresponsible lifestyle of random sex, life destroying drugs and mostly soulless rock music that flourished in San Francisco.

The Eve of Destruction climaxed with the Monterey Pop Festival, which included some truly virtuoso musical talents such as JIMI HENDRIX and JANIS JOPLIN, both of whom would be dead due to drug abuses a couple of years later. Other musical geniuses such as Jim Morrison and Mama Cass would also be dead due to drugs within a few short years. The bodies of chemical infested, braindead liberal deniers continue to stack up like cordwood.

As a diehard musician, I terribly miss these very talented people who squandered God's gifts in favor of poison and the joke of hip-ness. I often wonder what musical peaks they could have climbed had they not gagged to death on their own vomit. Their choice of dope over quality of life, musical talent and meaningful relationships with loved ones can only be categorized as despicably selfish.

I literally had to step over stoned, drooling fans, band mates and concert promoters and staff to pursue my musical American Dream throughout the 1960s and 1970s. I flushed more dope and cocaine down backstage toilets than I care to remember. In utter frustration, I was even forced to punch my way through violent dopers on occasion. So much for peace and love. The DEA should make me an honorary officer.

I was forced to fire band members and business associates due to mindless, dangerous, illegal drug use. Clean and sober for fifty-nine years, I am still rocking my brains out and approaching my 6,000th concert. Clean and sober is the real party. Young people make mistakes. I've made my share, but none that involved placing my life or the lives of others at risk because of dope. I saw first-hand too many destroyed lives and wrecked families to ever want to drool and vomit on myself and call that a good time. I put my heart and soul into creating the best music I possibly could and I went hunting instead. My dream continues with ferocity, thank you."

Read more here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyMer 11 Juil - 22:59

TED NUGENT - Love Grenade Artwork Revealed

Rock legend TED NUGENT will be releasing his new studio album, Love Grenade, on September 4th via Eagle Rock Entertainment. Click left to view the cover. Love Grenade is set to feature the following tracks:
'Love Grenade',
'Still Raising Hell',
'Funk U',
'Girlscout Cookies',
'Journey To The Center Of Your Mind' (40th anniversary re-recording), 'Geronimo & Me',
'Spirit Of The Buffalo',
'Bridge Over Troubled Daughters',
'Lay With Me'.

The 13-song set was co-produced by NIGHT RANGER's Jack Blades, Nugent's partner in the long-dormant DAMN YANKEES

The new 'Journey To The Center Of The Mind', meanwhile, is "just ferocious," Nugent told recently. "It's probably more sassy than the original, which is really quite a bold, brazen claim. The Amboy Dukes were the quintessential garage band. I wanted to play homage to the privilege of somehow landing in that camp."

Nugent is on the road now and will be touring into early September, after which he concentrates on hunting. He's also talking with Toby Keith about a role in the country star's film adaptation of his hit 'Beer For My Horses', which may begin filming this winter.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyDim 15 Juil - 23:05

le titre est en écoute sur son site, (cliquer sur play dans le logo love grenade) :

TED NUGENT Winter3_bg
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyDim 22 Juil - 23:38

il était à l'émission de radio rockline le 18 juillet, interview + écoute de love grenade, c'est ici :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyMar 24 Juil - 22:45

TED NUGENT - Select Love Grenades Pre-Orders To Receive Autographed Copy


US rock legend TED NUGENT's site has been updated with the following: '

"Not only will you get your copy of Love Grenade on or around the confirmed release date (September 4th) when you order the album in the Store pre-sale - you'll be in the running to receive a randomly-selected autographed copy!

What's better than sitting back and waiting for Ted's first album in five years to come to you? Sitting back and possibly waiting for a Motor City Madman autographed copy!"

Love Grenade is set to feature the following tracks:
'Love Grenade',
'Still Raising Hell',
'Funk U',
'Girlscout Cookies',
'Journey To The Center Of Your Mind' (40th anniversary re-recording)
, 'Geronimo & Me',
'Spirit Of The Buffalo',
'Aborigini', 'Stand',
'Bridge Over Troubled Daughters',
'Lay With Me'.

The 13-song set was co-produced by NIGHT RANGER's Jack Blades, Nugent's partner in the long-dormant DAMN YANKEES.

The new 'Journey To The Center Of The Mind', meanwhile, is "just ferocious," Nugent told recently. "It's probably more sassy than the original, which is really quite a bold, brazen claim. The Amboy Dukes were the quintessential garage band. I wanted to play homage to the privilege of somehow landing in that camp."

Nugent is on the road now and will be touring into early September, after which he concentrates on hunting. He's also talking with Toby Keith about a role in the country star's film adaptation of his hit 'Beer For My Horses', which may begin filming this winter.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyMar 31 Juil - 19:40

Man Claims To Have Been Beaten For Taping TED NUGENT Performance At Chicago Ridge's Ridgefest

Chicago Daily Southtown has issued the following report from Duaa Eldeib:

Jim Volpe took a journey to the center of an emergency room Friday night after he began taping TED NUGENT''s performance at Chicago Ridge's Ridgefest.

Volpe was taking pictures and recording brief portions of the show with his camcorder when someone - who does not appear to be affiliated with Nugent - informed him filming wasn't allowed.

"This guy, out of nowhere, just walked up and said, 'Give me the camera,' " said Volpe, who lives in Chicago Ridge.

When Volpe said he'd give him the tape rather than the $600 camera, Volpe claims the man said, "It's too late for that now."

"He got me in a headlock, and the rest is history," Volpe said.

Volpe's girlfriend then grabbed the camcorder, and when the man dropped Volpe and looked at her, she started running through the crowd with the camera, Volpe said.

"This guy was scary looking," 49-year-old Volpe said. "She told me she was scared to death of this guy."

The suspect, known only by the nickname Jimbo, likely will be charged with battery, Chicago Ridge Police Chief Tim Baldermann said.

"Our investigation has led us to believe there probably will be an arrest here," Baldermann said as police continue to investigate.

After spending five hours in the emergency room of Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn for treatment of neck and back injuries, Volpe said he is considering legal action.

For Volpe, there is one bit of good news to come out of the incident.

"(The suspect) does not work for Ted Nugent, which was a relief," Volpe said. "He's my hero."

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyMer 8 Aoû - 22:31

North America To Receive TED NUGENT's Love Grenade On September 4th; Full Details Revealed

TED NUGENT T71452 Eagle Records will release Love Grenade on September 4th in North America, TED NUGENT's 32nd album over the course of the last 40 years.

One listen to this audacious rock’n’roll statement is testament to the fact that The Motor City Madman is still as authoritative - in both his guitar playing and composition - as ever. He has NOT aged gracefully. In fact, he’s probably more pissed off than ever. He was THERE at The Summer Of Love in 1967 and this is what he had to say on 7/4/07 in the pages of the Wall Street Journal: “…hippies… turned off by the work ethic… opted for a cowardly, irresponsible lifestyle of random sex, life-destroying drugs and mostly soulless rock music…” That’s our Ted! Love him or hate him, he is a force of nature and Love Grenade is as vital and accessible as anything he’s ever done.

This year marks another 40th Anniversary, that of 'Journey To The Center Of The Mind' by THE AMBOY DUKES. Ted was 19. Since then, he’s dominated Hard Rock with his Ted Nugent Band, with DAMN YANKEES in the 1990s, right up to the unbridled Hard Rock Soul of Love Grenade in 2007 (his first all-new studio album in five years which includes an update on 'Journey…'), by the ass-kickin’ power trio of Ted with Barry Sparks and Tommy Clufetos.

One would be hard-pressed to name another intrinsically American Hard Rocker who backs up his talk with surefire action like Nugent. His non-musical pursuits have garnered as much ink as his hellfire rock’n’roll. Outdoorsman, hunter, Conservative Political Activist, and controversial spokesperson on behalf of The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Nugent epitomizes and embodies the ethic of the outspoken pioneer taking on all comers in all matter of debates… while still making damn sure to rock his life away non-stop and without regret. Ted Nugent is an American Original.

'Love Grenade',
'Still Raising Hell',
'Funk U',
'GirlScout Cookies',
'Journey To The Center Of The Mind',
'Geronimo & Me',
'Eagle Brother',
'Spirit Of The Buffalo',
'Bridge Over Troubled Daughters',
'Lay With Me'.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyLun 24 Sep - 18:47

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TED NUGENT   TED NUGENT EmptyLun 15 Oct - 23:11

TED NUGENT – “Hey God, Thanks For The Gift Of Life. I Think I’ll Poison It.”

By Martin Popoff

TED NUGENT is likely deeply ensconced in hunting season right now. But he can sit camouflaged, saddle sore and satisfied that he’s unleashed a more than strong record in Love Grenade, out now on Eagle Records – for a full feature on the album, see BW&BK #107. In he meantime, strap yourself in for some straight talk…

“You know, I get stiff after I dance like an idiot every night on stage,” comments the Whackmaster, asked how in the’ hell he can keep killing crowds live every night. “I feel like I should be wearing some kind of brace. But I’ve got to tell you, compared to all the other buddies that I know that are 59, I ain’t gonna complain. Because I’m still athletic, energized… the footwork, the athleticism, is just stupid. And it’s because I take good care of myself.”

Do any of your doctors tell you, ‘Man your knees are a mess; your back is a mess.’?

“No they haven’t, even though my knees are a mess, because of jumping off the amps all those years. I mean, some mornings I’ll get up and I have to take a few minutes and slowly flex my legs because of all the years of jumping off those amps. But I’ve got to tell you, for 59, I can run with the best of them. I’m a lucky man. I’m doing the sign of the cross right now while I tell you that (laughs). But again, it’s about healthy living and an intelligent diet. And not enough can be said about the venison that I eat. It is rocket fuel. And the discipline of eating organic fruits and vegetables and good water and quality dairy products, and no processed foods, and minimal red meat. And I say minimal compared to the average glutton out there who eats fucking 12 ounce and 16 ounce steaks. That’s a Nugent dinner for four! I mean, my back straps are maybe six to eight ounces - maybe! And I eat fish three or four times a week. I’m healthy motherfucker. Yeah, I weigh 210 pounds now and when I graduated from high school I was 175. But I’m not fat, and I remain buoyant and lively for an old fuck.”

You’re right - you walk into a restaurant these days, especially in the states, and the portions are disgusting.

“Yes, and you know what, Martin, I don’t know how you can convey this in your article. I’m sure you will do it with some sincerity and aplomb, but I watched the VAN HALEN press conference on the Internet. And I just have nothing but glowing admiration for Alex, just a superlative virtuoso, and Eddie, maybe one of the top two or three musical geniuses who ever lived, and David is just the quintessential showman, clever guy, great vocalist, true soulful rocker. But there’s Eddie’s son - is he only like… what, 17?! And he’s got blubber?! The kid is fat. And I’ll tell you why. The same abandonment - which is the number one crime against your soul - the abandonment of discipline that allows Eddie to rationalize smoking cigarettes, or all those years of the drugs and the alcohol. It’s the same abandonment of parental discipline that allows his own child to become unhealthy and blubberous. And I find that just damnable. If I was his dad, I would put that motherfucker on a treadmill and I would watch what Mr. Hand is bringing up to Mr. Fat Face.”

And when you see it in the schools, starting at five or six years old, those kids are going to battling that weight for the rest of their lives.

“Oh, for god sakes! And it’s about discipline. Now, you check out my four children. Fucking decathlon masters. Firm, athletic, muscular, bright. They have good posture. They stand up straight. They carry themselves with dignity. And you know, if this offends anybody, fuck you! If you’re offended by my words, that would be guilt. Look in the mirror and get the fuck going and upgrade. I’m 59 and I still stand erect - come on! I’m in the airport every day and some of the fucking beached sperm whales I see walking around, it’s an embarrassment. It’s like saying, ‘Hey God, thanks for the gift of life. I think I’ll poison it.’ I find it just delirious.”

65% of people in North America are now overweight, and half of those are classed as obese.

“Dear God! Dear God in heaven! Inexcusable! And by the way, nobody likes to eat more than I do (laughs). I can eat a fuckin’ palette of chocolate cake and stuff like that. But I don’t! Because I give a shit! Instead I’m eating organic raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and peaches from Oregon right now. That’s my meal today. I had some fresh halibut earlier today, but at the restaurant, ‘Would you like dessert?’ I go, ‘No, I’m going to be eating strawberries later.’ ‘Well, we’ve got some great chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate cake.’ I went, ‘That’s great. Give it to that fat fucker over there.’ I’m telling you, Martin, people who are offended by me are guilty.”

And now it’s not just chocolate cake anymore. It’s got brand name on it – it’s a Cadbury or Snickers chocolate cake to move it even closer to a chocolate bar!

“It’s still bad for you. And I mean, I had one of those little bite-size Three Musketeers yesterday. There’s nothing wrong about that. But kind of think intelligent. Spirit management. I’m deep into spirit management, baby. You may have noticed that about me.”

See for more.
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