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 GUNS N' ROSES( Axl rose)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

GUNS N' ROSES( Axl rose) Empty
MessageSujet: GUNS N' ROSES( Axl rose)   GUNS N' ROSES( Axl rose) EmptyDim 8 Juil - 18:52

GUNS N' ROSES Will Not Perform At Live Earth - Axl Explains

GUNS N' ROSES( Axl rose) T69551 GUNS N' ROSES mainman Axl Rose has issued the following update:

"Guns N' Roses or myself will not be performing at Rio Live Earth or Live Earth for a couple of reasons. The first is that we were not asked until the last couple weeks while we were on tour in Australia and have upcoming sold-out dates already rescheduled in Japan. Our gear is already en route to Japan for these shows. We have attempted to find a solution to be able to perform in Rio, but unfortunately none has been suggested.

I was asked to perform individually with LENNY KRAVITZ by the promoters and Mr. Gore. As we were working this out, Lenny unfortunately became injured and temporarily canceled his involvement from the event. According to the promoters, by the time they had reconfirmed Lenny's performance, there wasn't enough time to arrange flights for myself to Brazil and then to Japan for our upcoming shows. Unfortunately, I was not informed that Lenny's performance was reconfirmed until our own explorations and in following the media surrounding the event today, which is Saturday morning here in Australia and Friday in Brazil.

Guns N' Roses or I were not asked to play anywhere else such as Japan or Australia (as we are already in the regions on tour) and in which we have formally offered to perform but the offer of our involvement was declined.

We wish all involved, the performers, the organizers, the fans and audiences around the world all the best and a very successful event.

Thank you,
Axl Rose"
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