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 GUNS N' ROSES - Axl Rose Denies Brian May

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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GUNS N' ROSES - Axl Rose Denies Brian May Snub

According to, GUNS N' ROSES mainman Axl Rose has denied he changed former QUEEN star Brian May's contribution to the new GN'R album out of "spite" - insisting it sounded good at the time.

In 1999 the legendary musician recorded a guitar solo for new track 'Catcher N' The Rye', which features on the band's long-awaited new LP, Chinese Democracy. May's efforts were subsequently edited beyond recognition, with the star insisting "it was a shame" to see his work go to waste.

Frontman Rose admits the end result - a combination of different edits in the studio with producer Sean Beavan - was a shock to May when he heard the playback.

He writes on the band's official website, "There's a few reasons (why May's part was edited), and none of them all that big and definitely not in spite or to slight anyone. Brian's solo itself is a personal fave of mine and I really couldn't understand, as he's such a rock legend, why it wasn't openly appreciated more at the time. (It) had a lot to do with Sean (Beavan) and I and the parts I chose out of Brian's different runs, versions, practice runs. And though Brian seems to have warmed a bit to it, at least publicly, he was unfortunately none too pleased at the time with our handiwork. I remember looking at Brian standing to my left and him staring at the big studio speakers a bit aghast saying, 'But that's not what I played'. Sean Beavan and I were not in any way trying to mess with Brian, we just did what we do and then try and do our best to stand up for our decisions."
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