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 QUEEN - Brian May

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: QUEEN - Brian May   QUEEN - Brian May EmptyDim 8 Juil - 22:31

QUEEN - Brian May: he Definitive Biography Due Out In October

QUEEN - Brian May 69619

Brian May (QUEEN): The Definitive Biography is a forthcoming 240-page hardback book by Laura Jackson due on October 25th. A synopsis of the book is as follows:

"As the lead guitarist of Queen, Brian May is one of rock's most recognizable stars. Brian May: The Definitive Biography charts his life from his childhood, through his years studying astro physics and teaching, his success with Queen, his more recent projects and his volatile relationship with actress Anita Dobson. The book reveals Queen's struggles to get to the top and how hard they worked and played when they got there, throwing some of the most notorious and wildly salacious parties in the business. It charts the camaraderie and conflicts within Queen and the role May played in that close-knit unit as well as Brian's difficult years throughout the disintegration of his first marriage, the death of his father and the profound professional and emotional effects of Freddie Mercury's illness and death. The book is packed with nearly 70 first-hand exclusive interviews with some of his closest friends, colleagues and fellow musicians. These include school and college friends, early band members and colleagues in the scientific world. Interviewees include, TONY IOMMI, JOE ELLIOTT, RICHIE SAMBORA, BRUCE DICKINSON, RAUL RODGERS, CLIFF RICHARD and SPIKE EDNEY. Bestselling writer Laura Jackson examines closely the many aspects of the musician's life revealing his true story for the first time."

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