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 Les dieux du métal perdent la tête !!!!! (petition )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Les dieux du métal perdent la tête !!!!! (petition ) Empty
MessageSujet: Les dieux du métal perdent la tête !!!!! (petition )   Les dieux du métal perdent la tête !!!!! (petition ) EmptyLun 16 Juil - 23:35

Mobilisez-vous tous contre le concert de Def Leppard prévu le 28 juillet prochain au Cheyenne Frontier Day Rodeo!!!

Ce rodéo est connu pour être l'un des pire dans le monde entier. Ce rodéo n'existe que pour torturer ces pauvres bête.
Alors pourquoi Def Leppard y participent-ils ? Auraient-ils été bernés ? Savent-ils vraiment à quoi s'attendre ?

S'il vous plait, fans(ou non)de Def Leppard, mobilisez-vous en recopiant la lettre ci-dessous afin de leur faire savoir l'énorme erreur qu'il vont comettre!! De plus, ce show pourrais nuire à leur carrière musicale et beaucoup de fans (y compris les plus grands) ne porterons sans doute plus le même regard sur eux après ca!

Alors, faites une bonne action: recopier cette lettre et envoyer la a l'adresse indiquer. Cela vous coutera un peu moin d'1€.
Comme me la fait comprendre une amie, on peut être fan, mais il ne faut pas non plus être aveugle.

**Please add band name to you letter and performance date**
Def Leppard: July 28th -Bon Jovi:July 20th

I am a long time fan of ____________,and like many other fans,I am disappointed and in disbelief to learn you will be performing at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo on July____.
It is my belief that you are not aware that the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo is one of the most cruel and brutal rodeos in the country. Therefore,I kindly ask that you go on line to and view for yourself the evidence of the extreme cruelty,injury and death that takes place at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.
See with your own eyes the brutality of events such as "steer roping"an event that cripples and kills so many animal that the majority of western states do not allow it.
You will also become aware of the cruel use of electric prods referred to as the "HOT SHOT".this device delivers 5000-6000 volts of electricity and is repeatedly used to prompt horses to buck.Rodeo horses do not buck because they are "untamed" as the rodeo represents them to be.
The Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo,like all rodeos,perpetuates the false assumption that animals exist merely for human use and abuse.
The public is becoming increasingly disgusted by the blatant cruelty and death of rodeos that claim to be a representation of true frontier days when in reality they are displays of extreme inhumane animal abuse as entertainment.
With out big name performers,such as yourself,to bring people to their events the rodeo could not survive.
I respectfully say to you,your performance at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo will be send your fan base a message that you condone and support the cruelty and brutality of the rodeo.
I ask you to consider this fact and to please view the facts provided at .
I have no doubt that upon doing so you will with the support and applause of your many fans withdraw from performing at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo
I sincerely thank you for your time and have great faith that you will do what is morally and humanely correct.

Def Leppard
Mr. Todd Nakamine
Universal Music Enterprises
2220 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404

J'espère que la vidéo présente vous fera faire le bon choix. Ne restez pas sans rien faire.
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