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 Metal Blade Germany

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Metal Blade Germany Empty
MessageSujet: Metal Blade Germany   Metal Blade Germany EmptyMar 24 Juil - 22:36

Metal Blade Germany To Issue Select Classic AMON AMARTH, BOLT THROWER, KING DIAMOND, SIX FEET UNDER Titles As Picture Discs

Metal Blade Germany 70684

Metal Blade Germany have dug deep into their catalog and have reissued the following titles on limited edition picture disc: AMON AMARTH - The Crusher (2001), BOLT THROWER - Mercenary (1998), KING DIAMOND - Abigail II: The Revenge (2002) and SIX FEET UNDER - Haunted (1995).

Each title is limited to 500 copies each, hand-numbered; only available via mailorder and SPV distribution in Germany.
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