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 ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007   ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007 EmptyMar 7 Aoû - 0:08


Oct. 26 - Plato, Helmond, Holland **
Oct. 28 - Biebob, Vosselaar, Belgium * (w/ TYKETTO)

Oct. 30 - Z7, Basel, Schweitz *
Oct. 31 - [to be announced], France
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007   ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007 EmptyDim 23 Sep - 15:31

ASTRAL DOORS - More European Live Dates Confirmed

ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007 T74114 Sweden's ASTRAL DOORS have confirmed a number of new live dates in support of their latest album, New Revelation, which was released in Europe on September 14th and will be out in North America on October 9th via Locomotive Music and in Japan in October through King Records.

Upcoming Astral Doors live dates include:

October (European Headlining Tour 2007 with SECRET SPHERE)
18 - The Rock - Copenhagen, Denmark
19 - Hellraiser - Gothenburg, Sweden
22 - Knaack - Berlin, Germany (with DOMAIN)
23 - MarX - Hamburg, Germany (with Domain)
24 - Turock - Essen, Germany (with Domain)
25 - Fulda, Germany
26 - Plato - Helmond, Holland
28 - Biebob - Vosselaar, Belgium (with TYKETTO)
29. - Underground - Cologne, Germany (with Domain)
30 - Z7 - Basel, Schweitz

November (European Headlining Tour 2007 with Secret Sphere)
1 - Black Horsepub - Como, Italy
2 - United Metalheads Festival - Kusel, Germany

10 - Königspalast, Krefeld, Germany - (with BLIND GUARDIAN and LEAVES' EYES)
17 - Musikhuset - Örsköldvik, Sweden

1 - Klubb Koma - Västerås, Sweden
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ASTRAL DOORS tour 2007
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