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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LOUDNESS   LOUDNESS EmptyDim 13 Aoû - 13:46

LOUDNESS - Track List Of Forthcoming Live DVD Revealed
"Loudness in America 2006: Live Schocks World Circuit 2006 Chapter 1"

As previously reported, LOUDNESS will release a live DVD, entitled Loudness In America 06, on November 25th ,commemorating their North American tour from earlier in the year on August 23rd. It features the entire live show that took place at BB King's in New York City on March 26th and an overview of the entire tour.

The track list is as follows:
'Crazy Night',
'Crazy Doctor',
'In The Mirror',
'The Winds Of Victory',
'Crazy samurai',
'The Pandemonium',
'The Battleship Musashi',
'Rock Shock',
'Let It Go',
'Like Hell'.

As previously reported, guitarist Akira Takasaki has revealed that the band's next album will be recorded in the U.S., most likely on the West Coast. Pre-production has already begun in Tokyo, Japan, the band's home base. The as-yet-untitled record will be their 25th Anniversary album and will be released on November 25th, the band's official birthday.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LOUDNESS   LOUDNESS EmptyDim 13 Aoû - 19:26

Voici la pochette du dvd des japonais de Loudness : "Loudness in America 2006: Live Schocks World Circuit 2006 Chapter 1"
LOUDNESS Tkba1095ph7
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