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 TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video   TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video EmptyDim 26 Aoû - 22:44

TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video Details Revealed

TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video 72583

TARJA TURUNEN (ex-NIGHTWISH) has posted pictures and information about her new video, 'I Walk Alone' on the official
My Winter Storm blog.

Tarja introduced the characters that will appear in the songs, the art of the single and album and in the new video;
The Dead Boy,
The Doll, The Phoenix
the Queen Of Ice.

The video was filmed in Berlin and directed by Jörn Heitmann, who had also directed the video for the Nightwish song 'Sleeping Sun' in 2005.

The official blog was opened in June this year, to dispay information about the new album.

The single 'I Walk Alone' will be released in October, and Tarja Turunen's first solo album My Winter Storm will be released on the November 9th via Universal Music Germany.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video   TARJA TURUNEN - 'I Walk Alone' Video EmptyVen 14 Sep - 19:03

bon par contre en concert, ça va pas roupiller, au moins à cause du batteur, la dernière fois que je l'ai vu celui la, en mars, c'était un spectacle à lui tout seul :

Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen has revealed the lineup of the backing band that will accompany her for the "warm-up concerts" that will take place in November/December in Germany, Russia, Belgium, Finland and other European countries. It will be as follows:

Bass: Doug Wimbish
Guitars: Alex Scholpp
Drums: Mike Terrana
Keys: Maria Ilmoniemi
Cello: Max Silja and Markus Hohti
Lead and back vocals, guitars, additional electronic drums and keyboards: Toni Turunen
Lead vocals: Tarja Turunen
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