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 Sharon Osbourne "Always Referred To OZZY As The Wanker&

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Sharon Osbourne "Always Referred To OZZY As The Wanker&   Sharon Osbourne "Always Referred To OZZY As The Wanker& EmptyDim 2 Sep - 23:10

Sharon Osbourne "Always Referred To OZZY As The Wanker"

According to the World Entertainment News Network, Sharon Osbourne married rocker OZZY OSBOURNE after she was spurned by his BLACK SABBATH bandmate Tony Iommi, her brother claims. David Arden reveals the manager-turned-talent show host pursued Iommi for nine years, before turning her attentions to frontman Ozzy.

Arden - whose dad Don was BLACK SABBATH's manager - says, "She followed Tony around everywhere like a lovesick puppy. She adored him and was obsessed with him. Everyone knew, even Ozzy. The truth is Ozzy was way down on her list. Sharon had no interest. In fact she always referred to Ozzy as 'the wanker'. When the label was having hard times, she actually tried to get Ozzy fired."
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