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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vader Empty
MessageSujet: Vader   Vader EmptyLun 31 Juil - 19:31

Voici la pochette et un extrait de "Impressions in Blood" , le nouvel album de Vader qui sort le 04 Septembre chez Regain Records.
Vader Impressions-in-blood

01. Between Day and Night
02. ShadowsFear
03. As Heavens Collide...
04. Helleluyah!!! (God is Dead)
05. Field of Heads
06. Predator
07. Warlords
08. Red Code
09. Amongst the Ruins
10. They Live!!!
11. The Book
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vader Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vader   Vader EmptyLun 31 Juil - 20:10

Un nouveau titre de Vader intitulé "Shadow Fear", tiré de l'album "Impressions in Blood" qui sort le 04 Septembre, est disponible en écoute sur la page MySpace du label Candlelight Records.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vader Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vader   Vader EmptyMer 23 Aoû - 23:25

VADER - Video For 'Helleluyah (God Is Dead)' Complete, Pictures From Shoot Online
Vader 49739bm6

The following update has been posted at the official VADER website:

"Between 9th - 19th of August Vader, in cooperation with AW Film Studio, was recording a video clip for 'Helleluyah (God Is Dead)'. The video will promote band's new studio album entitled Impressions In Blood, out on September 4th through Swedish label Regain Records.

The video clip was produced and directed by Andrzej Wyroz?bski (one of the leading movie producers in Poland). Janusz Król (known from Wied?min, a Polish fantasy movie) was responsible for all special effects and the whole set design. S?awomir Panasewicz (who has done so far over 140 videoclips) was a cameraman.

The first scenes were shot in ?ozina (nearby Wroc?aw). The second day (...and long night) all the crew worked at the old Power Station in Wroc?aw. Its dark, dangerous and very mysterious aura fitted perfectly into the band's formula and the feeling of their new album. Also in Peter's opinion, this place turned out to be a great location for making 'Helleluyah' videoclip:
Vader Gid2uy2

'This song deals with suffering, hate and death, war between Christians and Muslims, armed conflicts and terrorism. Very dark and disturbing aura of that ruined place helped to achieve just a phenomenal results!'

It's going to be something unbelievably powerful and uncompromising!

A few pics from making the video can be found in the gallery
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vader Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vader   Vader EmptyLun 30 Avr - 14:03

VADER - Video Footage And Pictures From Sydney Show, Audio Interview With Frontman Available

Vader T65143 VADER have issued the following update:

"A video clip of Vader performing a cover of SLAYER's 'Raining Blood' Friday night (April 27th) at The Gaelic Club in Sydney, Australia has been posted online at HailMetal.Com (free registration required). Photos from the gig can be found here.

In other news, Vader frontman Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek was recently interviewed by Andrew Haug of Triple J's Full Metal Racket (based in Australia). Listen to the interview in streaming audio at the Triple J web site: Windows Media, Real Media."

As previously reported, Vader have announced their appearance on some more summer festivals and shows. Among them are three gigs in the UK (June 17th, London, England at Camden Underworld, June 18th, Glasgow, Scotland at Soundhaus and June 19th - as yet not confirmed), one show in the Netherlands (June 20th, Den Bosch at W2).

During all those gigs Vader will be sharing the stage together with DRAGONLORD and REQUIEM. The band is also going to play in Germany (June 26th, Kiel at Pumpe) and Sweden (June 27th, Alingsas at Fabriken, 28th, Borlange at Peace And Love Festival).

Between June 16th - July 1st, Vader will appear on some prestigious summer festivals like Queens Of Metal Open Air, Graspop MM Festival or Tuska Open Air Metal Festival.

"For the first time in Vader's history we will appear on so many summer festivals and single shows. It wasn't planned, at least to play over 30 gigs in the summer time, almost like a regular tournee! But appearing on some big festivals like Graspop, Wardlock or Wacken is definitely a great honor for us. We're in luck and the band also seems to be doing well now. Now we are going to invade Australia. Back to Europe at the end of May and then we'e going to prepare some surprises..." (Peter, guitars/ vocals)
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vader Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vader   Vader EmptyLun 2 Juil - 20:26

VADER Frontman Checks In With Summer Bloody Summer Update

Vader T69214 VADER frontman Peter (guitars, vocals) has issued the following tour update

"The next part of Summer Festivals we started this time in Vader's HQ - Mariusz house in Ciechocinek. For short weekend trips we usually use buses or vans to travel. This time we took our heaviest artillery: our own nightliner!!! There's anything abort, that we need on tour - TV games, DVD, CD players also the most necessary tool... coffee express!!! The whole team: Jack, Waldi, January, Michael, Toni and our driver Kristoph were alredy waiting for us. We then loaded our gear, took some sleep and... drive to Germany.

The first show was Queens of Metal Fest in Schweinfurt. Swiss REQUIEM and Austrian (or better now: european...) BELPHEGOR joined us as well. So the team is collected. We already know this place also the response was tremendous! We were afraid a bit of showers reigning around but... in vain. After two hours long attempt of taking our bus out from deep mud we continued to Calais. We have spent the whole day traveling to Glasgow. The show in the capitol of Scotland like the other, which we were playing in between the festivals, were booked to avoid of returning to Poland for just 2-3 days before the next weekend. All in all our concerts in Soundhouse and terrible tight Purple Turtle in London were enough good to satisfy us and a couple of hundred Metal Heads. Next one was Holland and awesome club W2, were we raised Hell with our friends from Belphegor and then France and very special National Music Meeting in Thionnille. Several stages in the whole city center, a bit party like atmosphere and many happy people around. And again showers and... great show and response!!! There were so many visitors amongst the crowd, who never saw Vader before. Now They all know and wait for more.

Graspop was next. I never ever saw so professional prepared festival before. Indeed! Everything, that Fans or bands need was there. Quality first!!! So high level demands real good performance ... so we did! It was for sure one of Vader's best concert ever. 6.000 crazy Maniax welcomed us fantastic !!! There were many guys from Poland as well... Awsome!!!After the show me and my band mates spend some monies for new "dark clothing". And our second driver Radek joined the team that night too...

Hellfest Festival in France - where we played next day - is also one of the most famous extreme music meeting place in Europe today. Two feed deep mud and even some bad feeling after Korn cancelled their show a day before couldn't destroy still great atmosphere of the festival . We did the best that evening giving as much anger from the stage as we could. So did all Maniax... Slaughter!!!

Next three shows in Germany were enough interesting just because they happened. There's not many bands playing shows in festival season indeed. Trier, Essen ,Kiel (Kill !!!...) - three club shows with still awesome atmosphere. What should we add? We're heading to Sweden tonight. There are 4 shows in Scandinavia and Baltic Lands before us now. Until next time !!!! Support Metal !!!"

A detailed list of Vader's upcoming shows can be found here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vader Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vader   Vader EmptyJeu 30 Aoû - 19:57

VADER - DVD, New Song, Video Clip, New Tour Dates

Polish death metal veterans VADER check in with the following:

At the moment Vader is hard at work on band's new releases and upcoming tours. Peter (guitars, vocals) talks about upcoming Blitzkrieg 4 Tour and shares some details on band's new DVD, track, videoclip and anniversary album:

"Good to see You all again!!!!

Vader needs a vacation as well...That's the reason , why there was no news for a couple of weeks on our site.

Here is some new informations collected in last month... If You already noticed, there is new DVD gonna be released soon. The show was recorded in the club Stodola in Warsaw. That's why the title came from (...And Blood Was Shed In Warsaw). The main part of the DVD are the songs from our last releases , BUT... there are some rarities on this material like 'Sword of the Witcher'! What the Hell is that? There's CD-Project RED who work on PC games and who asked us to compose a song , which is gonna be kinda "trailer-song" for their upcoming game. The title of the game is The Witcher and this is pretty fresh RTS in the fantastic , filled with brutality and Magic world of the Witcher (from the Sapkowski novels). More than awesome graphics are made by world famous Mr.Baginski (1st prize.... for Cathedral) and give the game revolutionary character indeed! We said "yes!" and recorded the song in May in Hertz Studio. 'The Sword Of the Witcher' is an absolutely differnet piece of music compared to previous Vader works but still Metal full of fire, beasts, warriors and... blood!!!

We were but affraid, that because of many instruments recorded there will be a problem to play this song alive. However, thanx to new technology we are able to do it and we plan to add this Witcher-song to the set list on the upcoming Blitzkrieg IV-2.

On July 10th in Bolkov Castle we have realised a video clip for 'Sword Of the Witcher' with cooperation with Intermedia. There are the same guys who were working on 'Hellelujah !!!' video clip recently...This new picture will be available on DVD as well. We didn't have too much time to work with this clip, but... it's always nice to see something so different than 'This is the War' or just mentioned 'Hellelujah!! '. Fire , Steel and Magic!!!!!!!!

What else? In few days we finalize recordings of the aniversary album entitled XXV. This one will include 25 Vader hits from early days re-recorded again. There will be some rarities on the limited special edition as well....

We're also practicing with new set for the Blitz' IV/2... You know the bands already so I can give You some information, that there'll be different set in the cities, we were played in last year and the new places on tour. We start with some shows in Russia in mid of September. And that's it for now! More news soon....... Metal United!!!!!!!!"

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Vader Empty
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