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 TARJA TURUNEN - V.I.P. Packages

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TARJA TURUNEN - V.I.P. Packages Empty
MessageSujet: TARJA TURUNEN - V.I.P. Packages   TARJA TURUNEN - V.I.P. Packages EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:31

TARJA TURUNEN - V.I.P. Packages To Be Available For Each Tour Date

TARJA TURUNEN - V.I.P. Packages T74333 reports that V.I.P. Packages will soon be available for every date on TARJA TURUNEN's Warm Up Concerts 2007. Amounts will be limited to 10 VIP Packages per concert. Every package will include early doors access for standing shows or reserved preferred seating within the first 2 rows centre section.

"Dine or have breakfast with Tarja (depending on the tour schedule) and meet her backstage after the show! Packages are enhanced with exclusive merchandise and commemorative laminates. Reservations will be accepted on first come first served basis. To pre-book or to receive further information, please send email with your complete name and contact information to: ."

As previously reported, the former NIGHTWISH singer recently welcomed fans to her new .

Tarja is about to launch her first solo album, My Winter Storm, on November 16th (international release date: November 19th). Her lead single 'I Walk Alone' will be available on October 26th (international release date: October 29th).

"As the single already indicates, this will be a musically rich and tasty package garnished with tremendously diverse appeal. Please get more details on 'I Walk Alone' single and, as a taste of things to come, a very exclusive free download snippet for a limited period of time of two brand new songs from My Winter Storm at !"
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