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 ROB ZOMBIE - New Video Interview

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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: ROB ZOMBIE - New Video Interview   ROB ZOMBIE - New Video Interview EmptySam 6 Oct - 14:54

<H3>ROB ZOMBIE - New Video Interview Available

ROB ZOMBIE has been selected as the Artist of the Month on Today has posted a new video interview where Zombie talks about his inspiration to create Zombie Live, his musical history in games, and the inception of the new Halloween remake. New videos will be posted throughout the month featuring Zombie. Rob Zombie will release his first ever Live CD, Zombie Live, on October 23rd.

Check out the Quick Hit video here.

Zombie Live was recorded in 2006 during the Educated Horses tour. The album features all of Rob Zombie’s hits from his breakthrough Grammy-nominated White Zombie track 'Thunder Kiss ’65', to 'Dragula' from his triple platinum The Sinister Urge, and 'American Witch' from Educated Horses. On the album Rob is backed up by his supercharged band featuring guitarist John 5, bassist Piggy D, and drummer Tommy Clufetos.

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