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 ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview Empty
MessageSujet: ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview   ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview EmptyLun 30 Juin - 11:31

ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview With Available

ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview T92378 recently caught up with ROB ZOMBIE guitarist John 5 to discuss his new signature model and talks in-depth about some of the models in his extensive telecaster collection. Check out the video interview at this location.

As previously reported, John 5 released his new instrumental album, Requiem, on June 3rd via 60 Cycle Hum. Go to this location to order.,
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ROB ZOMBIE Guitarist JOHN 5 - New Video Interview
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