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 DIMMU BORGIR Guitarist Silenoz - Video Interview

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: DIMMU BORGIR Guitarist Silenoz - Video Interview   DIMMU BORGIR Guitarist Silenoz - Video Interview EmptyLun 7 Avr - 19:44

DIMMU BORGIR Guitarist Silenoz - Video Interview Available

Contraband Candy reports:

"Contraband Candy have just spent the Easter weekend in Oslo, Norway, freezing our asses off and interviewing only of fraction of the amazing bands that played at this year's Inferno Festival! But that simply just wasn't enough for us! We tracked down DIMMU BORGIR axe man Silenoz to talk to us exclusively about their US tour with BEHEMOTH and KEEP OF KALESSIN, escaping to the woods and what it is really like being a rock star!"

You can watch the interview below...
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