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 METAL MIKE To Assault

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: METAL MIKE To Assault   METAL MIKE To Assault EmptyLun 22 Oct - 22:19

METAL MIKE To Assault PA's Pro-Line Music With Metal Day Workshop And Guitar Clinic

Metal Mike Chlasciak (PAINMUSEUM, HALFORD, SEBASTIAN BACH) checks in with the following:

"Metal Hails!

Wanted to invite you to participate in my Metal Day Workshop and guitar clinic event to take place Saturday, November 24th at Pro Line Music in Fairless Hills, PA.

The concept is very simple. I'll be getting together with about 8 other guitar players that are into metal to go over anything you want to know. It can be playing examples, rehearsal tips or motivation topics. It is an open forum and everyone is in the same room just trading ideas and picking my brain on anything you feel like asking. Meet others who are into the same music as you are in a laid back setting that's filled with a ton of info. If you are up to sharpen your skills, please e-mail us at with a heading METAL DAY. We'll reply with a full information packet.

Later in the day a live clinic performance at 6 PM. But this is not your ordinary guitar clinic. Expect a great light show, smoke, great music, some good brews, food and plenty of shredding. I'll also give you a glimpse on some of the new music that I have been working on Live performance seating is on first come basis, so get there early.

See ya there!"

Pro Line Music
Live Clinic Performance - 6 PM
Metal Day Workshop - 4 PM
490 Lincoln Highway
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
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