PINK CREAM 69 Vocalist Offering Singing Lessons Live Online
PINK CREAM 69 singer
DAVID READMAN has posted the following message at his website:
"Fancy vocal lessons but don't live in Germany? Fear not!
New singing lessons live online.
This is how it works... you will need a high-speed internet connection such as cable, DSL or satellite should work.
If you already have a webcam, you are set, because just about any webcam out there should work just fine.
Your computer needs either built-in sound or a sound card, with the sound operating and at least two ports, one for speakers and one for microphone.
Lessons are given using the voIP program Skype, which can be downloaded here -
www.Skype.com .
The cost for a half hour is 10Euros you can use PayPal to pay electronically.
Send us a Mail to arrange a live lesson over the internet!! -
info@sing-like-a-rockstar.com ."