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 KROKUS Lineup

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

KROKUS Lineup Empty
MessageSujet: KROKUS Lineup   KROKUS Lineup EmptyDim 18 Nov - 16:52

Classic KROKUS Lineup To Be Featured On Swiss Tv Tomorrow

KROKUS Lineup T77841 The Swiss TV show Die Grössten Schweizer Hits (Greatest Swiss Hits Of All Times) is currently running a six-part series, each broadcasting on Sunday evenings with different topics. Last Sunday, the show's theme was "duets" and KROKUS singer Marc Storace sang together with well-known Swiss singer Natacha her hit 'Banderas'. She sang in native Swiss and Storace in English with the chorus by both in English.

This Sunday (November 18th) the show is featuring Swiss rock bands and where possible in the formation of their formative years (many of which have not played together for decades) and Krokus is no exception. The following classic lineup of Krokus will be featured: Marc Storace ("the voice"), Chris Von Rohr (bass), Freddy Steady (drums) and Fernando Von Arb (guitar).

Marc Storace's comments to the most burning questions fans might have:

Question: "Is this the first step of a reunion of the original formation? Do you plan to play live gigs?"
Storace: "No, this is a one time thing and it will be fun to recall the old days."

Question: "Why did you do it?"
Storace: "Swiss TV asked us and we were told that the public interest in original bands was enormous."

Question: "Are you now friends again and are all the problems of the past forgotten?"
Storace: "I think that "friends" is too strong of a word but at least we speak to each other and we will try to treat each other fair in the future."

Question: "What are your next plans?"
Storace: "Writing songs with the current line-up for the next album with a couple of gigs sprinkled here and there in December here in Switzerland to keep us "on the edge" for the next tour."

The current lineup of Krokus consists and will consist of Marc Storace (vocals), Mandy Meyer (lead guitar), Dominique Favez (rhythm guitar), Tony Castell (bass) and Stefan Schwarzmann (drums)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

KROKUS Lineup Empty
MessageSujet: Re: KROKUS Lineup   KROKUS Lineup EmptyJeu 22 Nov - 18:51

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