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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Krokus Newsletter COUNTDOWN TO KROKUS MANIA   Krokus Newsletter COUNTDOWN TO KROKUS MANIA EmptyJeu 3 Juil - 12:40

Hello Bruno,

No one thought in the early 80's of "flowers" when the name KROKUS was mentioned. That name symbolized straight to the bone hard rock from Solothurn/Switzerland.

Their International debut album "Metal Rendez-Vous", featuring Marc "the voice" Storace, sold over 180,000 units in Switzerland alone. KROKUS rocked the largest venues worldwide in the early 80's and they were mentioned in the same breath as some of the greatest rock bands in the world, like AC/DC.

The most productive KROKUS line-up of all times eventually fizzled away and Marc, Fernando, Chris, Mark and Freddy went their separate ways. Although mainly Fernando and also Marc kept the name KROKUS in people's minds with various line-up changes, for the hardcore KROKUS fan it just wasn't the same. Over the years many fans persistently brought up how great it would be to have the originals play again together one day. What seemed to be a dream and impossible eventually came true. If you believe in your dreams hard enough without a doubt, dreams will come true!

On Saturday, August 2nd, 2008 the world can witness the return of the originals. Marc Storace on vocals, Fernando Von Arb on lead guitar, Mark Kohler on guitar, Chris Von Rohr on the mighty bass and Freddy Steady on drums. A combined 269 years of music history and pure Rock'N'Roll power exploding on one stage!

Bassist Chris Von Rohr was asked why the band decided to finally reunite after all these years. Without hesitation he responded: "There was no plan, no strategy, it just so happened after we played (after all these years) together again [referring to their Swiss TV gig in late 2007, followed by private rehearsals in late February of this year]. We all are fanatics, passionately living for this sound".

Lead guitarist Fernando Von Arb added: "We finally deliver "the" concert we owe to our fans for over 25 years". And vocalist Marc Storace' eyes lit up brightly as he beams with pride: "Great, strong memories always will be a part of you - and together we will create new ones".

Now is our chance to be a part of the creation of new KROKUS memories with the most successful line-up of all times and for some of us at the same time being able to re-live some great old memories. KROKUS has come "full circle". This 1982 original line-up will rock your socks off in 2008, straight, "in your face" uncompromising original rock groove.

That's why you cannot miss the concert of the year in Bern/Switzerland on August 2nd, 2008. Remember KROKUS fans in the USA, if you send to a copy of your flight itinerary as proof that you will be in Europe and/or Switzerland at this time, we will give you a free concert ticket for the show, courtesy of the band. Just because we had to postpone our USA tour. How many other bands make you an offer like this?

The past is back to..rock on!

BLICK Magazine Zurich/Switzerland - July 3rd, 2008

Krokus (zusammen 269 Jahre alt) geben Comeback im Stade de Suisse

Krokus im Stadion - zum ersten Mal seit 25 Jahren sind die erfolgreichsten Schweizer Rocker im Original zurück!

Kein Mensch denkt in den frühen 80er-Jahren an Blumen, wenn das Wort «Krokus» fällt. Nein, der Name steht für knochentrockenen Hardrock aus Solothurn City!

Unglaubliche 180´000-mal verkauft sich «Metal Rendez-Vous» (1980) allein bei uns. Sie rocken alle grossen Bühnen dieser Welt - Krokus werden in einem Atemzug mit AC/DC genannt.

Dann der langsame Abstieg. ­Irgendwelche Blüten treibt die Band immer - aber die erfolgreichste Formation um Marc Storace (Gesang, 57), Fernando von Arb (Gitarre, 55), Chris von Rohr (Bass, 57), Mark Kohler (Gitarre, 45) und Freddy Steady (Drums, 55) spielt nicht mehr gemeinsam.

Bis jetzt. Denn die Krokusse sind zurück: Am 2. August rocken sie das Stade de Suisse in Bern!

Warum die späte Reunion nach all den Jahren? Oder um mit Chris von Rohrs Bestseller-Buchtitel zu fragen: «Hunde, wollt ihr ewig rocken?» Von Rohr: «Da gabs keinen Plan, keine Strategie, es passierte einfach nach dem Zusammenspielen. Wir sind alles Besessene, wir leben für diesen Sound.»

Fernando von Arb fügt an: «Wir geben endlich das Konzert, das wir den Fans seit 25 Jahren schulden.» Und Marc Storaces Augen leuchten: «Grosse, starke Erinnerungen lassen dich nie im Stich - wir ­werden neue kreieren!»

Logo, freuen sich Krokus auch auf «meh Dräck»: «Es lebe der fadengerade Rumpelsound - ohne Syntis, ohne Compis, einfach in your face im richtigen Groove!»

Rock On,

Peter Waelti
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