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 Krokus Newsletter

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Krokus Newsletter   Krokus Newsletter EmptyMer 8 Oct - 23:17

Hello Bruno,

As KROKUS are getting creative inspiration for new song material somewhere in the Swiss Alps, we promise to keep you posted on any future events to come. To bridge this time of creativity for the band, we encourage you to pass the time by visiting our web site and re-live the "magic" concert from this past August as well as roam the web site for other KROKUS goodies.

Listen to Alice Cooper's interview with original founder Chris Von Rohr and vocalist Marc Storace that took place a couple of days prior to the Bern concert as part of his "Nights With Alice Cooper" nationwide broadcasted US radio show. Copy and paste the link below or follow this sequence: > Globe Club > Multimedia > Krokus Audio > Radio: Alice Cooper Show 7-2008,18478)

You can also read some press items and concert reviews from the "event of the year" by visiting our Globe Club page, then clicking on > Reviews > Reunion 2008 > Deutsch (German) or for additional stuff click on Globe Club > Multimedia > Krokus Press > Reunion 2008 > English or German/Deutsch.

The majority of the KROKUS web page is aimed focusing on the return of the originals. However, we promised you as part of the GLOBE CLUB to give fans a chance for a trip into the past, covering three decades of KROKUS. Our own version of a magical mystery tour "KROKUS style".

On the GLOBE CLUB page you will find now permanently our GUESTBOOK as well as copies of old NEWSLETTERS for newer fans to read up on. If you have a picture of yourself along with one of the musicians of Krokus, send me the picture and I post it under FAN PHOTOS.

Click on all the categories listed on the left side of the GLOBE CLUB page. Check out the sub-categories of MULTIMEDIA, where the various phases are grouped in order of album release - from the 1976 first album to the reunion of 2008. KROKUS PRESS is grouped per album release period and language. Don't forget to check out the KROKUS PICTURES gallery and click on the album release period of your interest. There are some rarities and oddities to watch and reminisce.

I'm still working on some of the pages, some of it is time consuming, so please check back from time to time and discover new stuff.

Our DISCOGRAPHY page lists now also the 45 singles as part of each album release in question. Click on the album cover and scroll down, where applicable.

Become a KROKUS friend by signing in on our page. In just a short period of time we had more than 40,000 visitors and that figure is growing daily. And check out on our "MySpace" page a review & comments after the Bern concert (for those of you that speak German) along with backstage video and short video bits of the concert..

Today is the birthday of Marc "The Voice" Storace and we want to take this opportunity to wish him a Happy Birthday, good health, good vibes, musical inspiration and vocal prowess.

Things to look forward to in the near future: Video GLOBE CLUB interviews with the original members of KROKUS and contest giveaway of some signed concert posters from the sensational Bern concert.

Keep the KROKUS "magic" in your heart and rock on,

Peter Waelti
P.O.BOX 17552

And for tour updates visit and click on "tour" or under "KROKUS".
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