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 NIGHTWISH - Performance Footage Of 'Wishmaster' ........

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

NIGHTWISH - Performance Footage Of 'Wishmaster' ........ Empty
MessageSujet: NIGHTWISH - Performance Footage Of 'Wishmaster' ........   NIGHTWISH - Performance Footage Of 'Wishmaster' ........ EmptyDim 18 Nov - 16:57

NIGHTWISH - Performance Footage Of 'Wishmaster' And 'Wish I Had An Angel' From New York City Available

Good quality live footage of NIGHTWISH performing 'Wishmaster' and 'Wish I Had An Angel' in New York City, NY on October 18th can be viewed below. It features new vocalist Anette Olzon tackling the fan favourites, originally recorded by vocalist Tarja Turunen:


'Wish I Had An Angel'

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NIGHTWISH - Performance Footage Of 'Wishmaster' ........
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