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 IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyDim 3 Fév - 19:47

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage From Mumbai's Pre-Show Press Conference Posted Online

MaidenNorway report that IBN Live has posted video footage from IRON MAIDEN's press conference in Mumbai, India filmed shortly before the band kicked off their Somewhere Back In Time World Tour 2008 with a headlining show today (Friday, February 1st) in front of nearly 100,000 fans at the Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai, India.

Watch the report below.

Their setlist was as follows:
Intro -
Churchill's Speech,
'Aces High',
'2 Minutes To Midnight',
'The Trooper',
'Wasted Years',
'The Number Of The Beast',
'Run To The Hills',
'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner',
'Heaven Can Wait',
'Can I Play With Madness?',
'Fear Of The Dark',
'Iron Maiden'.
'The Clairvoyant',
'Hallowed Be Thy Name'.

Iron Maiden's aptly entitled Somewhere Back In Time, is revisiting the band's history by focusing almost entirely on the '80's in both choice of songs played and the stage set, which will be based around the legendary Egyptian Production of the 1984-85 Powerslave Tour. This will arguably be the most elaborate and spectacular show the band have ever presented, and will include some key elements of their Somewhere In Time tour of 1986/7, such as the Cyborg Eddie.

Dernière édition par le Mar 5 Fév - 20:56, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyDim 3 Fév - 20:03

IRON MAIDEN - Somewhere Back In Time Tour Video, Photos Available

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage 82546

UK heavy metal legends IRON MAIDEN kicked off their Somewhere Back In Time World Tour 2008 with a headlining show today (Friday, February 1st) in front of nearly 100,000 fans at the Bandra-Kurla Complex in Mumbai, India. has posted a gallery with video. You can watch the video below.
Their setlist was as follows:
Intro -
Churchill's Speech,
'Aces High',
'2 Minutes To Midnight',
'The Trooper',
'Wasted Years',
'The Number Of The Beast',
'Run To The Hills',
'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner',
'Heaven Can Wait',
'Can I Play With Madness?',
'Fear Of The Dark',
'Iron Maiden'.
'The Clairvoyant',
'Hallowed Be Thy Name'.

'Wasted Years':

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyLun 4 Fév - 22:55

IRON MAIDEN Manager ROD SMALLWOOD Checks In From Mumbai

The following is the second tour blog from IRON MAIDEN manager Rod Smallwood, on the road on their Somewhere Back In Time World Tour 2008. The report is courtesy of here:

"January 31 - Mumbai, India:

Couldn't get to sleep for a while, a bit lagged, but finally got a good sleep and up at about 11.30! A sight-seeing tour had been arranged for 12pm for some of the band, families and friends, plus of course the documentary crew who are getting everywhere, Matt and Fiona from Sky TV and our photographer John Mc. I was very pleased that some of the band went along as it would give our doc and Sky some good local colour for their features and as the band quite like them all they are happy to chat.

Published with kind permission from the copyright holder, the Iron Maiden Online Club.

Checked emails though and had too much to do to join them so settled down to work til about 3. Its a beautiful room to work from though, a suite with massive windows out to the beach and sea so life is not that bad. Ploughed through then headed down to the gym to throw some weights about and some much needed stretching after the long flights.

Reminds me of a story told to me by Phil de Glanville, ex-England centre, and a very good one. He was on the treadmill churning out the miles in the England gym at Twickenham -- the room we will use for our post gig bash on July 5 in fact -- and Martin Johnson was throwing the massive weights around. He went over to Phil and said "Did you see that?? What can you do". Phil thought for a while and said quietly, 'Well...I can read!!' Pretty well sums up the forward/backs mentality. Hope you all like rugby. I am currently trying to find out if the Wales v. England game on Saturday will be shown on Oz TV -- should be a very interesting game and give us an insight into how we may progress. On the footie side Steve of course was "over the moon" to hear his beloved West Ham beat Liverpool 1-0!

Had a quiet break catching some sun by the pool then back up to the room to check emails etc and shower and get ready for the press conference at 6,30. Went down a bit early to meet our promoter Venkat from DNA.
As l said some of band, Steve, Dave and Jan to be precise, went off with our EMI guys here sightseeing. They went to the Gates of India. But it took them 2 hours of very slow traffic to get back and were over an hour late arriving back a bit before 7 for a press conference to start supposed to start at 6 -- and with representatives of most to the major news and music media in India attending. Fortunately they all knew all too well about how bad traffic can be in Mumbai -- shame our EMI friends didn't! So we finally got started with an introduction from Venkat although Jan arrived about 20 min after everyone else having been told by someone to stay in his room and wait for a call -- which he didn't get! Jan is always on time and up for anything so I can take his word for it of course!

Funnily enough we had just been asked a question about what it was like having 3 guitarists which Dave quickly pointed out was not always the case. The band are getting good at press conferences and seen to enjoy them a bit. They can be very funny, especially with some of the stupid questions we get from some of the less informed media. One asked as we were rock stars -- yes he actually said rock stars, oh dear -- what was it like backstage at our concerts and Nicko just said if he told him he would have to kill him. People still seem to think its all drugs, booze and naked birds lounging around, whereas our backstage tends to be a few beers and hairy roadies!!

Venkat was very smart as he arranged some fantastic Indian food in the entrance area to the conference room so of course the band hung around. So of course so did all the TV cameras and journalists to they all got much more coverage and more direct questions to the guys!! And the band didn't mind as they were stuffing their faces with some great Indian food. Steve even got his family down for it!

After the press conference I met up with Dave P, our photographer John, Scot and Sam from documentary team and Gaddsy to go through what could be expected the next few days and procedures around photos and filming for our online club and site -- ie. you guys!

Basically John will provide a dozen or so shots daily, some for live section, some for our diaries and Gaddsy will send in half a dozen or so daily. The first batches will soon be up if they aren't already.
Dave is to start 'Maiden TV News' with some 12 five minute or so news pieces throughout the tour, Dave will be the presenter with Johnny B being the cameraman. Dave will tell you more about it in an introductory piece on here soon and the first instalment will be mid-next week we hope. We are of course dependant on time and editing facilities so these wont necessarily be very regular but there will be at least 12 over the period by mid-March.

Then joined Andy, John, Barry and Pete with their respective wives for a bit more excellent curry in the hotel! And It really was terrific.

Went back to bar for a while after and ended out talking with Bruce and Sam about various stuff including what support we could be looking at for the North America May - June tour. Its really not so easy but it was helpful to hear from the the two of them as they are both up to speed more than I am on younger bands, Bruce from his radio rock show and Sam cos he's an obsessive metal fan!! Won't mention any names at this stage though but it is hard to find a band that suits everyone.

Finally got to bed about ...errr?????

That's it til tomorrow."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyMar 5 Fév - 20:56

et on continue à suivre la tournée presque en temps réel, puisque c'était le ... 4 février à Perth en Australie, ambiance, attention dans le public, ça chante un peu faux !
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyJeu 7 Fév - 20:21

IRON MAIDEN Rocks Melbourne; Video Available

A video report dubbed IRON MAIDEN Rocks Melbourne is available at this location. The band performed the first of two shows last night (February 6th) at the Rod Laver Arena. An excerpt from the review found here follows:

There were enough guitar histrionics, smoke, flames, sparks and Spandex to give satirical metal band Spinal Tap a run for its money.

But Iron Maiden fans were taking this occasion very seriously. Some even spent $50 on the band's latest T-shirts and $20 on a stubbie holder - for which you could almost buy a slab of beer.

But from the moment lead singer, passenger-jet pilot and former fencing champion Bruce Dickinson yelled out: "Scream for me, Melbourne," fans young and old - led by those sporting "first to the barrier" wristbands - showed their love in a massive banging of heads. When the moshpit flailed, their long hair in unison, it looked like they were whipping up a giant tumbleweed.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyDim 10 Fév - 12:38

IRON MAIDEN Land In Sydney; Report, Video Available

The following report is courtesy of Wendy Kingston from

It wasn't just any old airport touch-down from a well-known rock band.

This was British heavy metal blasters IRON MAIDEN — and they were flying their own chartered plane, Ed Force One.

Lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson was behind the controls when the band's customised Boeing 757 touched down at Sydney Airport today.

Adoring fans waited up to six hours to see the band hit the tarmac. When he's not "rocking out" to thousands of fans, Dickinson uses his pilot's licence to hit the skies — including flying his fellow Iron Maiden band members to gigs.

"Nobody has ever done this," he said.

"The STONES don't go travelling with their own crew and they certainly don't fly on the freighters that fly their gear. This is everything all rolled up into one."

Dickinson said he flies for British-based Astraeus Airlines in his "spare time".

Ed Force One carries up to 72 people, including band members, their families and crew, and stores up to 10 tonnes of freight.

The plane will clock up almost 100,000 km as Iron Maiden flies to 21 cities in 10 countries as part of its 45-day world tour.

Band manager Rod Smallwood said the plane makes it possible for the band to maintain a tight schedule.

"Four major stadium shows in a week in different countries," he said. "With those distances, it would be impossible to do (without the band's own plane)," he said.

Read more here.

Watch video report here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage   IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage EmptyMar 26 Fév - 23:35

la tournée continue, uls étaient le 22 fevrier à Mexico, voici 3 videos et la set list :

01. Intro (Churchill Speech)
02. Aces High
03. 2 Minutes To Midnight
04. Revelations
05. The Trooper
06. Wasted Years
07. The Number Of The Beast
08. Can I Play With Madness
09. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
10. Powerslave
11. Heaven Can Wait
12. Run To The Hills
13. Fear Of The Dark
14. Iron Maiden

15. Moonchild
16. The Clairvoyant
17. Hallowed Be Thy Name
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