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 IRON MAIDEN: The Voyage Of The Maiden Bio .....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: IRON MAIDEN: The Voyage Of The Maiden Bio .....   IRON MAIDEN: The Voyage Of The Maiden Bio ..... EmptyLun 14 Juil - 19:39

IRON MAIDEN: The Voyage Of The Maiden Bio Due Soon; Pre-Order Available

IRON MAIDEN: The Voyage Of The Maiden Bio ..... 93206

Arts Publications announces the incorporation of new Authors to it's publishing company.

"At this time we welcome best selling Author Cesar Fuentes Rodriguez. The biography of IRON MAIDEN: The Voyage Of The Maiden by César Fuentes Rodriguez. An unnofficial look into one of the greatest heavy metal bands in the world. Filled with exclusive interviews to the band members and photographs never seen before. A must read... not even Eddie can turn away!"

More hype for this title reads: "The unofficial biography of Iron Maiden from 1975 to 2008 is on pre-order now. For the first time available for English speakers, this book made its impact in Spain and Argentina and now it’s completed with several new chapters to match the unstoppable ongoing career of The Beast to the very present day. An uncompromising look into one of the greatest Heavy Metal bands in the world: their musical power, the rising, the glory, meanings to lyrics and symbols, their solo projects, the reunion, and the whole Maiden experience revealed for fans and curious alike…!

Prestigious journalist and author César Fuentes Rodríguez, a big fan himself, took advantage from the many interviews done with band members and plenty of touring chronicles to compose an amazing picture of the phenomenon, electrifying as the band himself and completed with some of his own archive photographs never seen before. Being the first biography written fully in Spanish, it received an enthusiastic welcome by Spanish readers and the author was even lately interviewed for Sam Dunn’s (from Global Metal and A Headbanger’s Journey fame) forthcoming documental about Iron Maiden."

Pre-orders available here.
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