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 Iron Maiden

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyLun 31 Juil - 19:03

Le nouvel album d' Iron Maiden s'appellera "A Matter of Life and Death", il sera produit par Kevin Shirley aux "Sarm West Studios" à Londres. La tracklist sera la suivante:

01. Different Worlds (Smith/Harris) 4:17
02. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6:52
03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 8:44
04. The Pilgrim (Gers/Harris) 5:07
05. The Longest Day (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:48
06. Out Of the Shadows (Dickinson/Harris) 5:36
07. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Murray/Harris) 7:21
08. For The Greater Good of God (Harris) 9:24
09. Lord Of Light (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:23
10. The Legacy (Gers/Harris) 9:20
Toutes les infos sur le site officiel
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyLun 31 Juil - 19:26

C'est avec grand plaisir que je peux aujourd'hui vous révéler la pochette du nouvel album d'Iron Maiden que tous les fans attendent pour début Septembre sous le nom "A Matter of Life and Death". Le premier single tiré de cet album sera disponible dès le 14 Août et le titre choisi est "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breegs", un titre long et puissant qui d'après Steve Harris ne correspond pas du tout à un single typique mais permet de se donner une très bonne idée de ce qui nous attend sur l'album.

Iron Maiden IID00002173
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyLun 31 Juil - 19:52

Bonne nouvelle pour tous les fans de la vierge de fer, le nouvel album d'Iron Maiden intitulé "A Matter of Life and Death" sera disponible en Europe dès le 28 Août. Je vous rappelle que "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg", le premier single issu de cet album plus qu'attendu, sera disponible en vente dès le 14 Août
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyLun 31 Juil - 20:32

Iron Maiden nous révèlent aujourd'hui la pochette de leur nouveau single, "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" qui sera disponible le 14 Août en attendant la sortie de "A Matter of Life and Death" le 28 Août.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 1 Aoû - 0:51

Le premier single qui s'intitulera "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" est annoncé pour le 14 août. Il se déclinera en deux versions :

Limited Edition 2 track CD
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
Hallowed be thy Name (Radio 1 ‘Legends’ Session)

Limited Edition 7” picture disc
(To include ‘Crossed Gun Logo’ sticker)
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
c/w Run To The Hills (Radio 1 ‘Legends’ Session)
The Trooper (Radio 1 ‘Legends’ Session)
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 1 Aoû - 0:52

vidéo du titre " the reincarnation of benjamin breeg " le premier single de l 'album "A Matter of Life and Death"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 1 Aoû - 0:53

une édition limitée CD+DVD du prochain album d'IRON MAIDEN sera disponible le 26 août. Contenu du DVD : documentaire d'une heure sur la réalisation de 'A Matter of Life and Death', vidéo du single 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg', photos exclusives en studio lors de l'enregistrement de 'Different Worlds' ainsi qu'une galerie photo.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 1 Aoû - 0:53

Mais c'est qui benjamin Breeg?
à priori son histoire est racontée ici par son cousin ici :

il a ete peintre, a voyagé et ecrit 4 bouquins aux cours de ses voyages sur les pratiques occultes. Il a disparu en 78 sans laisser de trace. Voir la démarche du cousin auprès du groupe sans grands résultats !
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 1 Aoû - 0:55

IRON MAIDEN - France's Rock Hard Magazine Issues Track-By-Track Review Of Forthcoming Album

According to, France's Rock Hard Magazine has issued a track by track review of the band's forthcoming album, A Matter Of Life And Death, including lyrical excerpts. It appears below in its entirety:

'Different Worlds':
"The shortest song of the album is a catchy tune, it should make a single, but that's still to be confirmed"

'These Colours Don't Run':
"Epic title, with percussive/thundering drum parts. This song will surely go down great live apart from a little feeling of 'already heard this.' A big break towards the end till when the song finishes in a calm way. This last part of soldiers: 'For the passion / For the glory / For the memories / For the money / You're a soldier / For your country/ What the difference / All the same'."

'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns':
"Dickinson starts with a soft voice and hot screaming or in high tone and this is a common thing for the album. A huge and crunchy rhtyhm almost in Metallica style, not common for Maiden sound. Galloping rhtyhm, Bruce sings with rage and power, then a little calm part and then again the song explodes again with a huge refrain, awesome on the final. Then solo on a galloping rhythm part just before a second solo on a more calm rhythm section. A complex song structure. A song that talks about nuclear explosion. 'Iron fingers stab the desert sky / How we made God with our hands'."

'The Pilgrim':
"Celtic intro on an almost thrash rhythm section. Rage riff of the guitars. A more direct song than the previous two, but without an immediate and easy listening chorus. It's not really one of those song with a direct chorus that people will sing at the gigs. Celtic final part."

'The Longest Day':
"Probably inspired by the film The Longest Day, this song taks about the Normandy in the second world war. The song begins with a huge bass intro building up always more powerfully. Gloomy and sad song. Nicko Mcbrain plays his drums like they are cannons while bruce things tells his horror tale: 'From paper soldiers / To bodies on the beach' or also 'The water is red / With the blood of the dead'. Then drum breaks à la 'Charlotte The Harlot'. This is a song that will be fantastic live and probably maiden will try a scenography on this similar to 'Paschendale' or in that style. Fanstastic songs, really stands out on the album."

'Out Of The Shadows':
"Heavy tempo at the beginning in a power heavy ballad stlye. One of the most likely song to be chosen as a single. *difficulties on translating this song following part* . Double guitar breaks (probably acoustic). Surprising song, very interesting."

'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg':
"Dickinson talks about this as the first single. This song start with a long intro, narrative intro sang by Bruce: 'Let me tell you about my life/ Let me tell you about my dreams'. Really heavy and huge rhythm, quite unusual for Iron Maiden. This songs talks about the reincarnation and mediums. 'I'm able to see things / Things I don't want to see.'"

'For the Greater Good Of God':

"Typical epic songs made by Steve Harris, we find this kind of composition almost on every Iron Maiden album. A feeling of already known sound, represent classic 'Arry composition. Celtic chorus, long instrumental parts. This songs talks about religions' abuses and bad things: 'Religion has a lot to answer for' or also 'He gave his life for us/ He fell upon the cross (...) / Tell me why.'"

'Lord Of Light':
"Another calm beginning before the song really kicks in. Once again Bruce is more soft with his voice rather than in a high register in the first part of the song. The result of this song is outstanding, superb and the construction of the chorus can bring back that of 'Where Eagles Dare'."

'The Legacy':
"Long acoustic intro, calm voice by Bruce.When the rhythm kicks in it develops a Black Sabbath wall of sound, Dio era. Multiple vocal parts,another great songs that encourages to mutual respect, and opening spirits: 'Why can't we treat our fellow man / With more respect'."

General Conclusions:
"This is an album that is far superior to Dance Of Death and symbolize a great union in the band. This is composed of very long and epic songs, probably inspired by 'Paschendale''s success. The main themes are war, denounced on songs like 'These Colours Don't Run', 'The Longest Day' and 'The Legacy': 'Sent off to war / To play little games (...) / Some strange yellow gas / Has played with their minds / Has redemmed their eyes.' People who love long songs will be very satisfied, probably less those who like shorter songs. There are no immediate songs like 'Killers', 'Be Quick Or Be Dead', 'Run To The Hill's. With this Maiden shows great courage and prove once again that Iron Maiden do just what they want. The sequence of songs is well thought and the album is the right mix of tradition and modern sound. (special highlights are rhythm and riffs heavier than in the past and a less conventional and standard voice of a superlative Bruce Dickinson who experiments a lot - awesome).

This album will require more than one listen to be fully understood."

As previously reported, Iron Maiden plan to release A Matter Of Life And Death on August 26th 2006 in Australia and August 28th in Europe.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMer 2 Aoû - 15:37

ROD SMALLWOOD Reveals Some Of His Proudest Moments As IRON MAIDEN's Manager have posted the second part of a Q&A session with IRON MAIDEN manager Rod Smallwood originally condicted through the band's official fan club, IMOC. The following is a brief excerpt from the session:

Question: As the manager of Iron Maiden what was one of your proudest moments of the band?

Smallwood: "It's obviously great to have number 1 albums but l always get a much bigger kick out of the live end. In all this probably the proudest moment is unusual as it could have been so negative. This was when the band defied all the bullshit of turning off our PA and the wankers who were planted at the front to throw stuff at us at Ozzfest San Bernardino last year. Through all the interruptions the band stood their ground and ploughed on through the set despite all the distractions. All the crap just made them more and more angry and determined and the performance was immense, one of our best ever. I was also proud of the fans, the huge crowd who were also immense giving us incredible support and singing on, especially in 'Hallowed Be Thy name' after the power was cut one of the times. They were a credit to metal fans everywhere and showed what they thought of the pathetic antics by many leaving. Despite the frustration and bullshit there was no violence or stupid behaviour. l think the kids respected the fact that Maiden didn't want that and didn't want anyone hurt.

Besides this, the most memorable shows are often the really big ones where a sea of people are getting off on the music. Normally I am on the mixing desk at our shows but at the big shows I go on stage so I can see the audience. It always make me very proud to see the joy and commitment of so many fans. So l guess the top 3 of all these shows would be Donington 1988, Rock in Rio 2001 and Ullevi Stadium Gothenburg last year."

To check out the entire Q&A session go to this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyLun 7 Aoû - 14:30

la pochette The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg. Elle a été dessinée par Melvin Grant et sera utilisée pour le CD ainsi que pour le vinyle transparent 10" qui sortiront le 14 août.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyJeu 10 Aoû - 23:42

IRON MAIDEN Online Club Announce World Premier Of 'Different World', Scheduled For 10 PM Tonight In The UK

Norwegian IRON MAIDEN site, Maiden Norway ( ), report:

The IMOC have just announced the world premiere of the highly anticipated song 'Different World', from the new Iron Maiden album, A Matter Of Life And Death!

The statement reads as follows;

"You need to be at your computer, logged in to the IMOC with your speakers turned up at 10 PM tonight (UK time) 'cause the IMOC are going to be the first people to hear 'Different World', the opening track from the new album.

No clips. No voiceovers. Just 4 minutes and 17 seconds of pure Maiden. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!"

As previously reported, an e-Card for A Matter Of Life And Death is now available online at this location.

A Matter Of Life And Death will include the following
'Different Worlds',
'These Colours Don't Run',
'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns',
'The Pilgrim',
'The Longest Day',
'Out Of The Shadows',
'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg',
'For The Greater Good Of God',
'Lord Of Light',
'The Legacy'.

The album is due out on August 28th worldwide, except North America, which will see the album released on September 5th.

Details on release formats can be found here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyJeu 10 Aoû - 23:57

IRON MAIDEN Release Video For 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg'; Contribute Track to Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam

IRON MAIDEN have released the first video from their forthcoming album A Matter of Life And Death (September 5th, Sanctuary).

The video is for the album’s first single, 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg', and features images from the band’s three decades long career, a career that has kept the band’s original audience and has grown with today’s youth.

The new video can be purchased at iTunes for download to your iPod, or viewed for free online at, where you can also enter a contest celebrating three decades of Iron Maiden fans.

Iron Maiden has also contributed one of the album’s tracks, 'Different World', to the Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam™ video game. The title is the first downhill skateboard racing game based on the wildly popular Tony Hawk franchise and will be released by Activision in the fall for the Wii, Nintendo DS™, and Game Boy® Advance.

North American residents can pre-order the new Iron Maiden CD, A Matter Of Life and Death, as a CD or iPod-friendly digital download for only $9.99, or $14.99 with a limited-edition t-shirt. Fans purchasing the release will also be able to buy tickets to the band’s upcoming October U.S. tour run in advance of the general public on-sale date of August 12th.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyVen 11 Aoû - 12:43

IRON MAIDEN Launch Official Digital Store For UK Fans

IRON MAIDEN have launched a new UK Official Digital Store which allows fans located in the UK to download Maiden tracks as digital downloads as well as pre-order the forthcoming single, 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg' and album, A Matter Of Life And Death for your mp3 player or PC. Go to this location to check it out.

Note that all pre-ordered downloads will be available to collect from the day of release in the" target="_blank" >My Downloads section of the site.

In addition, Please note that all downloads sold on this site are DRM-protected and will not directly play on an Apple iPod or Mac.

This service is only available to residents of the UK for the time being.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyVen 11 Aoû - 12:55

un extrait du prochain IRON MAIDEN "A Matter of Life And Death " il s 'agit du titre 'Different Worlds'
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptySam 12 Aoû - 1:48

IRON MAIDEN - Another New Track Available

Another new IRON MAIDEN track called 'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns' (which BW&BK says is one of the stand-out tracks on the record!) has posted online at the following locations:

The track is pulled from Maiden's new album, A Matter of Life And Death, which is due out on August 28th worldwide, except North America, which will see the album released on September 5th.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyDim 13 Aoû - 13:35

Producer Kevin Shirley Talks About New IRON MAIDEN Album

Producer Kevin Shirley (IRON MAIDEN, LED ZEPPELIN) has posted the following message at his official website:

"Got my copy of the new Iron Maiden album, well a reference disc, and took off early this morning in my car to check it out, top down on an uncrowded ocean highway, and I must say, I'm pretty happy we (well Steve, really) decided against using the mastering! I dig it! For all the little extra hi-fi nuances they add in mastering, the raw attack and bite of the original mixes is quite refreshing to hear! It is EXACTLY as I mixed them in the studio, EXACTLY what the guys in the band heard! In the mastering process, the mastering engineer sometimes takes it upon himself to be creative, say to add certain frequencies which boost vocals or the bass, which makes the balance between the kick and bass guitar change, and on many occasions I've got a mastered CD back, and then have been unhappy - but usually blame myself! Even when we mastered this album (which we didn't use), it had a little analog compression added, which brings the guitars up a tiny bit, and knocks the transients off the snare drum, thus diluting the attack and impact of the snare. Now what you'll hear on the Maiden album, is the way it sounded in the studio, and while it may not be as loud as some other CDs, who gives a fuck! Turn the volume up then...... My three fave tracks are 'Longest Day', 'For the Greater Good Of God' and 'Lord Of Light' - although that may well change tomorrow!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyLun 14 Aoû - 23:54

IRON MAIDEN - Austrian Pre-Release Party Scheduled For A Matter Of Life And Death

Austrian IRON MAIDEN site Maiden Austria United ( ) has announced a pre-release party for Iron Maiden's new album, A Matter Of Life And Death, which will be held two days prior the public release of the album on August 23rd. The party is in cooperation with EMI Music Austria.

The party will feature a performance from Austrian Iron Maiden cover band Maiden für Jeden. There will also be a trivia contest, giveaways and surprises reserved for the Austrian fans.

For more news visit , a new domain from EMI Austria set up to promote the upcoming album.

A Matter of Life And Death is due out on August 28th worldwide, except North America, which will see the album released on September 5th.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 15 Aoû - 1:58

Iron Maiden la pochette de leur nouveau single, "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" qui sera disponible le 14 Août en attendant la sortie de "A Matter of Life and Death" le 28 Août.
Iron Maiden Ironxd7
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Nombre de messages : 123
Age : 54
Localisation : Ile de France
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 15 Aoû - 10:37

MAGNIFIQUE!!! Laughing Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyJeu 17 Aoû - 13:53

IRON MAIDEN - Forthcoming Album Earns Five "K" Rating In Kerrang! Magazine

Courtesy of, the following is Kerrang! Magazine's review on IRON MAIDEN's highly anticipated new album, A Matter Of Life And Death, written by Steve BeeBee:
Iron Maiden T49388hd0

Iron Maiden
A Matter Of Life And Death

"'Nothing is gonna come between us and our fans, and it will be death before dishonour - this is Iron Fucking Maiden!'

That was Bruce Dickinson, speaking out under a hail of eggs and detritus at last years's Ozzfest isn San Bernardino, California, during one of the most controversial and infamous incidents in recent rock history. That, my friends, is a frontman.

While Maiden have respectfully distanced themselves from the alleged sabotage of their set that night, they have remained in combative mood ever since. If you thought new music from these veteran standard-bearers of British Metal might see them cooling down in any respect, A Matter Of Life And Death will answer as Maiden know best - loudly, aggressively and memorably. Although not a concept album, war and the missuse of religion to justify conflict is a near constant, from artwork to lyrics to all-out musical attack. War is a theme Maiden have tackled many times before, but never with such purpose, such tenacious realism and, yes, thoughtfulness, as they do here.

Forget wildly inappropriate single 'The Reincarnation oF Bejamin Breeg' - this album is about tracks like 'The Longest Day' and 'These Colours Don't Run', the latter a sly reference to another of Bruce's comments on that fateful evening in San Bernardino. The former develops gradually into a chorus fit for arena chanting and fist-pumping, one that is succeeded by a martial battering of drums and an evolving six-string showdown.

'For The Greater Good Of God' bleeds into another big hook, unfurling its banner amid epic orchestration. Time changes and three-part guitar solos hurtle from ear to ear, and vary in speed, tone and intensity. It's another Maiden classic that does not compromise heaviness in achieving its nine-minute span. 'The Pilgrim' and opener 'Different World' are immediate if relatively standardised rockers, while the balladic 'Out Of The Shadows' draws yet another untouchable vocal performance from Dickinson, redolent of his solo hit 'Tears Of The Dragon'.

Maiden fans will revel in the gallop and surge of 'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns', Steve Harris' bass twanging high in the mix, while closer 'The Legacy' - concluding the theme of war breeding more war - features a call-to-arms fanfare of electric guitars blaring intermittently through movie soundtrack ambience and acoustics.

Although A Matter Of Life And Death perhaps may be too ambitious for some palates, this album keeps everything longtime fans loved about Iron Maiden alive. The bristling heaviness, the time changes, the astonishing musicalilty, the filmic grandeur. Hoist your flag high."

Steve Beebee
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyDim 20 Aoû - 22:40

IRON MAIDEN - Audio Samples Of All Tracks From Forthcoming Album Online have posted audio samples of all 10 tracks from IRON MAIDEN's forthcoming album, A Matter Of Life And Death, online. Go to this location to check them out.

As previously reported, Kerrang! Magazine recently gave A Matter Of Life And Death a five "K" rating. The review below was written by Steve BeeBee:

"'Nothing is gonna come between us and our fans, and it will be death before dishonour - this is Iron Fucking Maiden!'

That was Bruce Dickinson, speaking out under a hail of eggs and detritus at last years's Ozzfest isn San Bernardino, California, during one of the most controversial and infamous incidents in recent rock history. That, my friends, is a frontman.

While Maiden have respectfully distanced themselves from the alleged sabotage of their set that night, they have remained in combative mood ever since. If you thought new music from these veteran standard-bearers of British Metal might see them cooling down in any respect, A Matter Of Life And Death will answer as Maiden know best - loudly, aggressively and memorably. Although not a concept album, war and the missuse of religion to justify conflict is a near constant, from artwork to lyrics to all-out musical attack. War is a theme Maiden have tackled many times before, but never with such purpose, such tenacious realism and, yes, thoughtfulness, as they do here.

Forget wildly inappropriate single 'The Reincarnation oF Bejamin Breeg' - this album is about tracks like 'The Longest Day' and 'These Colours Don't Run', the latter a sly reference to another of Bruce's comments on that fateful evening in San Bernardino. The former develops gradually into a chorus fit for arena chanting and fist-pumping, one that is succeeded by a martial battering of drums and an evolving six-string showdown.

'For The Greater Good Of God' bleeds into another big hook, unfurling its banner amid epic orchestration. Time changes and three-part guitar solos hurtle from ear to ear, and vary in speed, tone and intensity. It's another Maiden classic that does not compromise heaviness in achieving its nine-minute span. 'The Pilgrim' and opener 'Different World' are immediate if relatively standardised rockers, while the balladic 'Out Of The Shadows' draws yet another untouchable vocal performance from Dickinson, redolent of his solo hit 'Tears Of The Dragon'.

Maiden fans will revel in the gallop and surge of 'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns', Steve Harris' bass twanging high in the mix, while closer 'The Legacy' - concluding the theme of war breeding more war - features a call-to-arms fanfare of electric guitars blaring intermittently through movie soundtrack ambience and acoustics.

Although A Matter Of Life And Death perhaps may be too ambitious for some palates, this album keeps everything longtime fans loved about Iron Maiden alive. The bristling heaviness, the time changes, the astonishing musicalilty, the filmic grandeur. Hoist your flag high."

Steve Beebee
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 22 Aoû - 0:09

IRON MAIDEN - MTV2 To Air "Iron Maiden Makes An Album" Program This Saturday

MTV2 is scheduled to air IRON MAIDEN Makes An Album on Saturday, August 26th at 11:30 PM (EST). The program will take a look inside the "making of" Iron Maiden's new album, A Matter Of Life And Death.
In related news, as previously reported, have posted audio samples of all 10 tracks from A Matter Of Life And Death, online. Go to this location to check them out.

A Matter Of Life And Death is due out on August 28th worldwide, except North America, which will see the album released on September 5th.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 22 Aoû - 0:14

IRON MAIDEN - A Matter Of Life And Death "Behind The Scenes" Video Footage Available

IRON MAIDEN's official website has been updated with video footage on the making of the band's forthcoming album A Matter Of Life And Death. Available in various formats, the footage can be found at this location.

As reported earlier today, MTV2 is scheduled to air Iron Maiden Makes An Album on Saturday, August 26th at 11:30 PM (EST). The program will take a look inside the "making of" A Matter Of Life And Death. have posted audio samples of all 10 tracks from A Matter Of Life And Death, online. Go to this location to check them out.

A Matter Of Life And Death is due out on August 28th worldwide, except North America, which will see the album released on September 5th.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden EmptyMar 22 Aoû - 11:23

IRON MAIDEN Frontman BRUCE DICKINSON - "We Are A Heavy Metal Band And What We Care About Is Our Fans"
Iron Maiden 49647ue7 recently posted IRON MAIDEN's only interview for Swedish press in support of their forthcoming album, A Matter Of Life And Death. Speaking to Close-Up Magazine, vocalist Bruce Dickinson discussed last year's Ozzfest experience and the resulting fallout with Sharon Osbourne:

"It was my usual love/hate relationship with corporate America," says Dickinson. "Ozzfest is a corporate rock event at which they sell the front 10-12 rows to corporate seats and not to kids. Most of the bands pay a lot of money to be on the Ozzfest, they get paid next to nothing. The whole way it's being portrayed as being some kind of altruistic holiday for all the bands is absolute nonsense, it's complete bullshit. Most of the bands are there because they paid to be there. That's the way it's run. We went out and we were like, 'Okay, why aren't there any people down the front?' Well, because it's restricted seating and because they don't have tickets. 'What?!' That's fucked, so we said so. I said so every night. Some fat cunt with greasy hair sat eating his hamburger with 50 seats empty all around him. Where are all the kids? They're held behind the barrier and they can't get any closer, because that's the way the venue is run. That sucks."

Close-Up: Did you expect Sharon Osbourne to take the measures that she took?

Bruce: "No, I think they were extraordinary, weren't they? Childish and uncalled for, and quite dangerous, really, when you consider there could've been a riot among the rest of the audience. Extraordinary! She is obviously completely mad!"

Close-Up: You kept quiet. Weren't you dying to fight back in the press?

Bruce: "There's no purpose of starting a soap opera. I mean, she IS a soap opera. That's what she does, that's what The Osbournes is, that's what this X Factor and all this reality TV bullshit is. IRON MAIDEN is IRON MAIDEN, we don't participate in that kind of crap. We don't do [MTV show] Cribs or the celebrity garbage that is everywhere, that pervades people's lives and they think is important. We don't do I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here, Big Brother, or any of that shit. So doing any more than stating the facts and let people make up their own mind is just playing to the press. It's just gonna create more crap. There was so much stuff on the Internet, there were so many people who saw exactly what happened. Let the people tell the story, we don't need to say anymore than 'Okay, this is what happened. If you don't believe us, you can find out.'"

Close-Up: An hour ago I was surfing the Net and did a search on Google on "IRON MAIDEN + Sharon Osbourne" and this comment from Blabbermouth came up: "I fucking hate IRON MAIDEN, but fuck Sharon Osbourne." You must've loved the aftermath of the egg incident. All of a sudden everyone, even people that weren't into IRON MAIDEN, were rooting for you.

Bruce: "I see what you mean. I think the key is that this was a collision between two completely different worlds. The world that Sharon lives in is of world of... she goes to fashion shows and her daughter is the new face of whatever it was, some make-up bullshit or something you put on your face. Vogue magazine and all that kind of crap. She's put herself in that world and done that by choice. And lots of people do [that] and they're supermodels. All those people have their picture taken on red carpets and appear in fashion magazines. That's not our world, that's not my world. I don't ever go to places like that. I'd rather have all my teeth pulled out and have nails hammered into my gums than go there, to a fashion show and hang out with supermodels!

"What we do is we are a heavy metal band and what we care about is our fans. That's it. So our strength comes from that simplicity. You know, what do I care if I never appear on reality TV? 'Fucking great, thank you! Can I have it in writing?' But in her world, that's really important. In her world, it's really important what you look like. In her world, facelifts are really important. In my world, I don't give a fuck. I get old and I get wrinkly. Who gives a shit?"
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