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 Iron Maiden

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 12 Mar - 21:33

IRON MAIDEN Rock 15,000 People At Dubai Desert Rock Festival

The following report is courtesy of Alisha Coelho from

The two-day event’s claim as a destination for rock fans from across the globe is underlined by a multi-national audience. From Albania to Canada, fans are here, at the Country Club, rocking Dubai. Age, race, gender and size were no bar for the thousands of fans that gathered at the Dubai Country Club yesterday to witness what is arguably the biggest rock festival in the region – the Dubai Desert Rock Festival.
According to organisers, the first day’s was a sellout with more than 15,000 people present to watch IRON MAIDEN, THE PRODIGY, STONE SOUR and other bands play. The last act, Iron Maiden, that drew the most attention, had people queuing up for tickets at 11 p.m., even though the band had begun playing at 10.15 p.m.

This year, the festival, which runs for two days, also attracted fans not only from the UAE but from around the region and across the globe.

Ilir Caushi and his wife Tastil from Albania made a stopover in Dubai to catch the festival before jetting off to Argentina. The globetrotters are most excited about catching ROBERT PLANT ‘live’ today. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see Plant perform with his band Strange Sensation. We wouldn’t miss it for anything,” said Ilir.

Joude Alamri, Salma Shari and Zara Rawashdah from Saudi Arabia are in total agreement. The teenagers had flown down from the Kingdom to catch the concert along with their friends. Alamri in particular was most excited as she was bringing in her birthday at the concert.

“We’ve just been in mock mosh pit in the front and it’s amazing. This is going to be one of the best birthdays ever,” she said.

Some groups were larger. Take Fernando Bayer, a resident of Oman who had flown down to Dubai with a group of nearly 100. “This is my third year here,” said Bayer who proudly waved and donned the Omani flag. “I’ve flown down to see Iron Maiden play and I’m really excited about it.”
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyDim 25 Mar - 22:50

IRON MAIDEN Rocks Bangalore
The following report is courtesy of :

“SCREAM for me B A N G A L OR E !” Bruce’s (Dickinson's) trademark for every city, drew huge response from the IRON MAIDEN fans.

I am blogging this from Bangalore now, well, the about the concert: simply awesome!!

I wanted to experience for myself Maiden’s reputation for great live performances and boy they did not disappoint at all. After first three songs from their current album, they sang the old favorites which drove the crowd into a frenzy. Here are the oldies which they performed: 'Wrathchild', 'The Trooper', 'Number Of The Beast', 'Fear Of The Dark', 'Run To The Hills', 'Iron Maiden', '2 Minutes To Midnight', 'Evil That Men Do'.

For all of the above songs, the crowded joined in singing the lyrics, particularly for ‘Fear Of The Dark’, was amazing in which the crowd did the chorus for “oh oh oh …o ..oh..” which was simply great.

I never expected so many faithful Iron Maiden fans, who knew the lyrics well.

The most unforgettable sight was to see around 10,000 plus mobile phones capturing the moment at which Iron Maiden came on stage. There was a sea of Blue mobile phone screens which could be seen and it was breath taking. I guess, there were approximately around 20,000 people, however, we shall have to wait for DNA to give the exact figures.

Bruce was energetic as usual, dancing and jumping all over the stage, at one point, he did climb up the metal scaffolding and slide back down. The music was loud and the typical maiden line up of 4 instead of the 3 guitarists. Eddie made an appearance as a soldier with a gun, however, he was briefly there for one song only.

The stage prop had background default image as their current album one. Later for 'The Trooper', it had 'The Trooper' album single cover image and also has Bruce wearing a red jacket and hoisting two British flags. After midway, the stage prop had a battle tank gun which could revolve and Eddie as a soldier sprung up, the crowd liked this.

Bruce said that they would be back in India within 17 months. I hope they keep their promise, as I want to attend the next Iron Maiden Live concert in India too."

(Thanks )
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyDim 25 Mar - 23:07

IRON MAIDEN Drummer Snared By Police
BBC News reports:

The drummer with heavy metal band IRON MAIDEN has been banned from driving after being caught speeding on the M74 motorway near Lockerbie.

Michael McBrain - known to fans as Nicko - was clocked doing 116 mph.

The 54-year-old from London pleaded guilty to the offence by letter. He was banned from the roads for six months and fined £500.

Dumfries Sheriff Court heard that the veteran rocker was unable to appear because he was on tour.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyDim 25 Mar - 23:13

IRON MAIDEN Manager ROD SMALLWOOD Checks In From Bangalore

Here is the latest diary from IRON MAIDEN manager Rod Smallwood:

"Flight to Bangalore on Thursday 15th took about nine and a half hours. Usually l just read and cat nap on a long flight, usually newspapers and Private Eye, but this time l thought l would check out a movie and watched the "History Boys", which is based on a play by that brilliant Yorkshire born writer and playwright Alan Bennett. It's clever in parts with some good lines as one would expect from Bennett but l found it rather disappointing and dated. Even though it's a recent movie it hadn't been at all updated and l think stuck rigidly to the script. Good but not his best work to me...

On the plane met up with Ed from the Observer and Val Potter who is doing a piece for Metal Hammer and some other rock press. Ed is actually a war correspondent but as a change in pace he is doing a 5 page piece for the Observer Music Monthly magazine. He and Bruce had a long chat and a fair few drinks on the plane, but l bet they weren't talking Maiden or India or music, they were talking war and flying stories! Anyway Ed turned out to be a smart and very interesting guy who, like us, likes a beer or three and everyone got on very well with him. Such a good change from the usual daily press cynics very occasionally run into. Of course Val has done lots with us over the years and is always fun to have around. John Mc is supplying pics for everyone

Arrived about 4.30 in the morning, got through immigration etc reasonably painlessly and got to hotel about 6. Time for a couple of hours kip before meeting Dave P and John Mc to go check out some locations for a photo shoot later that day. Although as l have said before its tough getting the band to do any photos on the road, in a new and interesting place like here (and Dubai) they can be persuaded and as there is a lot on international media interest in this trip we do need some photos and they have to be good. So to make things as painless as possible we go off and check locations suggested by the promoter so as to save time and effort later.

But first we called in at the venue. This was really well set up and Dickie told me that production wise all was good. We were supposed to be playing in front of the Palace this making a very imposing background to the stage. On asking where it had got to as there was no palace in sight we were told that the Maharajah of Bangalore had returned to the palace a couple of weeks before and told them to move it to another part of the grounds. Now that's one of the best excuses l have heard for a gig not being what you thought it was!! We had some lunch in the backstage catering -- curry of course and bloody good it was too. Make a mental note to eat there again at the show

Then off to check locations first to a shrine about 20 min from hotel -- we try to keep them as close as possible to hotel so we don't waste time stuck in traffic, which can be pretty bad in Bangalore like most major cities nowadays. The hotel room was in fact a bit like in Athens with all the traffic noise. To get to the shrine we had to go through a department store!! The shrine just wasn't suitable for what we needed so we went off to check out the suggested government buildings and courts. These were magnificent structures but as you couldn't go into the grounds there was no good vantage point to take good band shots. And they would have been a bit like a postcard. So again drew a blank. Another suggestion was the Bull Temple which is quite old but an hour from hotel, perhaps more with traffic. Trouble was it is closed 12 -- 4 and it was already 12 so we couldn't go check it out. I didn't really want to drag the band an hour plus to somewhere we didn't know but there was not really much alternative. John said he had checked this temple out on the web and thought it could work well so we decided to go for it. Nothing more to do so back to hotel, something to eat then met up with band, John and promoters assistant Sabrina to go to the shoot. We got lucky -- firstly traffic not bad at all and secondly the location was ideal. We parked the vans and it was about a 2 min walk up to the Temple. The whole thing was in quite a small area but had a number of good angles for different shots -- which is ideal if you want a quick but varied session. I won't describe the place as you can see the pics but it was very interesting with a massive black bull carved out of one piece of black granite. The priest (??) was very welcoming and took us round and even gave each of the band a red "third eye" which you will prob see on the shots and he even joined us for a couple of pics.

When John felt he had it covered we went back down to the roadside and John hailed a couple of the yellow tuc tucs for some shots including one with Bruce holding the sign 'Donington or bust' sat in the tuc tuc. In one to those bust would definitely be the case!

Back to hotel and had a couple of drinks in the bar with Ed and Dave P then met in the lobby to go to hotel next door for press conference. Again a load of major media, Indian rock mags and six TV News cameras. The questions were generally quite detailed about the music and the concert, nothing to really get your teeth into but it was fine. Extremely polite as is the general way here, very courteous and civilised.

After that our promoter Venkat of DNA, India's major concert promoters, took us out to a wonderful Indian restaurant. Everyone went along with Ian, Gaddsy, Dave too. We all love our curries and these were terrific.

In India everything closes by 11 latest so we managed a drink in the bar then took a couple of rooms and put in the booze and had a laugh and a few beers. Not too late though, but with time lag we weren't that tired and could have a good lie in in the morning.

I have to do some work now so will have to catch up with the gig day later but hopefully soon."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyJeu 26 Avr - 22:36

IRON MAIDEN - Petition Running To Have Steve Harris Knighted

IRON MAIDEN site report that The Independant has issued the following:

Fans of the greasy 1980s heavy metal band Iron Maiden have petitioned the Downing Street website. They're demanding the group's heavily tattooed bass guitarist Steve Harris be recognised in the next list of honours.

"Iron Maiden are often the band that encourage youngsters into rock music; one of the pleasures of a Maiden gig is the healthy mix of young and old," it reads. "Steve Harris, as a very fit, relatively moderate drinker, is a great role model for the younger fans that his band continuously attracts."

At the very least, Harris's followers are demanding he is made an MBE.

How well the long-haired songwriter who penned such tunes as 'Flash The Blade' and 'Die With Your Boots On' would go down at the Palace remains to be seen.

MaidenFans comments, "If you think "Harry" deserves to be recognised then click this link. Other musical "legends" who have been honoured for services to music in the past include: Beverley Knight, Midge Ure, Brian May, Clive Daniel Gillinson, John Rowland Tomlinson and Mervyn Guy Fletcher. Who are they? Well other than Brian May I've no idea so maybe its time for a true legend to be honoured."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyDim 20 Mai - 22:13

IRON MAIDEN Bassist Steve Harris On Knighthood - "It's Nice That People Might Think Of Me Like That, But..."

Iron Maiden - Page 5 66283

As previously reported, fans of IRON MAIDEN have a petition running demanding leader/bass guitarist Steve Harris to be recognised in the next list of UK honours.

UK scribe Dave Ling spoke briefly to Steve Harris on the phone for an upcoming Classic Rock story. At the end of their conversation he asked him about the petition to include him in the government's next honours list. As expected, Steve finds the whole thing hilarious. "I'm sure it'll never happen, and if it did I wouldn't want it," he chuckles. "It's nice that people might think of me like that, but it probably started as a joke that got out of hand. It's not me. You know me; it's not what I'm about. Imagine if you had to call me Sir all the time. A Crystal Palace fan to a West Ham fan... you wouldn't do it, would you?"

There are also petitions to get Lemmy Kilmister from MOTÖRHEAD and DEEP PURPLE's Ian Gillan onto the honours list as well.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 4 Juin - 22:40

IRON MAIDEN - Tour Setlist Change?

This is the setlist from IRON MAIDENs gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia tonight (June 2nd). For some reason, Iron Maiden performed four songs from the 25-year anniversary album The Number Of The Beast tonight, rather than the previously announced five songs. This means we might see a slight change of the set as soon as Monday night. However, on the upside, they have added 'Children Of The Damned'.
The setlist is as follows:
'Different World',
'These Colours Don't Run',
'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns',
'The Trooper',
'Children of The Damned',
'The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg',
'For The Greater Good Of God',
'The Number of The Beast',
'Fear Of The Dark ',
'Run To The Hills',
'Iron Maiden'.
'Minutes To Midnight',
'The Evil That Men Do',
'Hallowed Be Thy Name'.

(Thanks )
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 4 Juin - 22:42

IRON MAIDEN - Manager Rod Smallwood Checks In

The following is the latest diary from IRON MAIDEN manager Rod Smallwood, courtesy of

"Ljubljana where he was standing on a slippery ramp where its raining heavily as it apparently has been in Eastern Europe for about three weeks. Fortunately the forecast for tomorrow and next week (Sofia and Ostrava) is much better so it looks like we won't get wet. I won't be at the show tomorrow as l am taking time out for a mate's big birthday party so they will get started without me for a change. I will be on the rest though and very much look forward to it. This means that my next diary will be Tuesday after Sofia. So l don't have much more to say right now!!! Note though if you haven't got tix for Brixton get onto it immediately. A whole load of tix already went this last week to you guys in the Online Club and the remainder went on sale to the 'public' this morning and as of lunchtime it was pretty well sold out so if you want to be there and don't have tix get onto it straight away. It will be our last show in the UK for a year at least and should be a blast playing in such a small venue after all the big shows coming up.

If you can't make any of the shows we are allowing Live Nation to put out the whole Donington show on webcast live as a one off - you can link in from our site - Sunday June 10 at about 9pm. See the website for full details. Seemed like a good idea to let fans in places we haven't been able to get to at least have some chance to get to see the show - not ideal l know but the webcast will be the best we can make it for them to join in live. Get some friends round, turn it up and get the beers in!

Hope to see many of you out there. Take care."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMar 12 Juin - 19:13

la prestation au Download 2007 vient d'etre mise en ligne :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 18 Juin - 22:34

IRON MAIDEN - Czech Republic Photo Gallery Online

A representative for was on hand for IRON MAIDEN's June 6th performance at the Ostrava Banik Football Stadium in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

A photo gallery containing upward of 70 photos from the band's performance can be found at this location.

Iron Maiden - Page 5 6450

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 18 Juin - 22:42

la prestation au Download 2007 vient d'etre mise en ligne :
Download festival at Donington Park, Leicestershire:

01. Different World (Video)
02. These Colours Don't Run (Video)
03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Video)
04. Wrathchild (Video)
05. The Trooper (Video)
06. Children of the Damned (Video)
07. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Video)
08. For the Greater Good of God (Video)
09. The Number of the Beast (Video)
10. Fear of the Dark (Video)
11. Run to the Hills (Video)
12. Iron Maiden (Video)
13. 2 Minutes to Midnight (Video)
14. The Evil That Men Do (Video)
15. Hallowed Be Thy Name (Video)
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyDim 24 Juin - 17:50

IRON MAIDEN - Video Footage From Rome Show Featuring Early Days Part 2 Tour Announcement Available

Iron Maiden - Page 5 68758

According to, during IRON MAIDEN's on June 20th show in Rome, Italy, frontman Bruce Dickinson confirmed reports that the band was taking a year off before returning to Italy next year with their Early Days Part 2 tour. He revealed that the band was taking the time off "to build a pyramid", confirming Maiden would indeed be playing a set featuring classics such as 'Powerslave', 'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' and 'Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son'. Go to this location to check out audio footage of the on-stage announcement.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 25 Juin - 20:06

IRON MAIDEN - The World's Greatest Albums DVD AvailableIron Maiden - Page 5 68825

What Records has released The World's Greatest Albums - IRON MAIDEN: The Ultimate Critical Review DVD. A description of the title is as follows:

"With the release of the classic self-titled album in April 1981, Iron Maiden set themselves at the very forefront of the new Wave of British heavy Metal. This authoritative DVD tells the story of the making of a classic heavy metal album. It includes a unique, frank interview with original Maiden front man and bad boy Paul Di'Anno - known affectionately as The Beast - who shares his memories and recollections of making a ground-breaking record; we also hear from former guitarist Dennis Stratton and from Tony Moore, who was keyboardist with the band during their formative years. Drawing upon spectacular vintage footage of the band in action in concert and in the TV studio, the program provides an in-depth analysis of the album. On hand to lend their expert views are much-respected rock journalist Mick Wall, who is also the band's biographer, and Paul Stenning, authur of Iron Maiden - Thirty Years of the Beast. Also featuring expert comment by Malcolm Dome of Total Rock Radio and Jerry Ewing of Classic Rock magazine, this is the definitive guide to a landmark album in heavy metal music."

To order click here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMar 10 Juil - 23:43

IRON MAIDEN Appearance On "Live From Abbey Road" To Air Thursday On Sundance Channel

The final episode in the 12-part "Live From Abbey Road" series, featuring IRON MAIDEN, is scheduled to air on the Sundance channel this Thursday, July 12th.

A preview of the episode, featuring Maiden performing 'Hallowed By Thy Name', is available in the "Footage" section at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMer 8 Aoû - 22:42

IRON MAIDEN - Latin American Tour Confirmed?

IRON MAIDEN site reports:

"The promoters Evenpro has sent a press release to Iron Maiden regarding an as-of-yet officially unconfirmed Iron Maiden tour in Latin America in February 2008, which would allegedly include concerts in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia.

The promoters have confirmed a show at the Parque Simon Bolivar in Bogota, Colombia, with rumours about concerts at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina."

Further updates as more info becomes available.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMar 28 Aoû - 23:48

IRON MAIDEN - Tour To Start In January

IRON MAIDEN fans-site has issued the following update:

"We know there has been a lot of rumours about the upcoming Iron Maiden tour. MaidenNorway attended the Hole In The Sky festival in Bergen last weekend, and Testament were one of the headliners. As you might know, a certain mr. Doug Hall is sound man for Iron Maiden, DEEP PURPLE and, yes you guessed it, TESTAMENT.

MaidenNorway had a chat with Mr. Hall, and he could tell us that the tour starts in January and and continue through February, before they have a brake, then it goes through the summer months. M.r Hall wouldn't tell where they were going except for usual places like South and North America and Europe. Doug Hall could also inform us that it will be Bruce Air the first 5 weeks. When asked about Maiden in Australia, he smiled and said 'maybe that's why we're flying, I don't know.'

Another rumour about the upcomig tour is that Iron Maiden will play 'Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' and/or 'Alexander The Great'. Mr. Hall could not confirm, but another visitor at the festival from Rock Hard Magazine, said that he had talked to singer Bruce Dickinson and he said that they want to play 'Alexander The Great'.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Iron Maiden - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMer 5 Sep - 19:18

IRON MAIDEN Drummer Takes Part In Buxted Football Club Charity Match

The following report is courtesy of

Fresh from posing in their soccer socks and not much else, Buxted Football Club won all its matches in a star-studden celebrity charity game on Sunday. The players bared all for a calendar which aims to raise funds for an organisation dedicated to providing fresh water for deprived families in the Third World.

It's the charity of top international photographer Candice who lives in the village and whose husband plays in the team.

To boost the charity's coffers both first team and juniors invited all-comers to a series of matches in the village.

The first team game was kicked off by Sophie Anderton and heavy metal band IRON MAIDEN's drummer Nicko.

Most went to penalty shoot-outs.

Buxted FC spokesman Bob Spencer told the Express: "It was glorious - the weather was great and we had some remarkable games of football with local teams doing fantastically. It was all beyond our wildest dreams - there must have been almost 1,000 people there."

He said people were queuing at the pavilion, there were so many visitors the beer tent sold out and the portable loos even ran out of paper.

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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyJeu 6 Sep - 23:08

IRON MAIDEN Singer's Chemical Wedding Thriller Gets Picked Up In The UK

According to, Warner Bros. has acquired Julian Doyle's Chemical Wedding for U.K. and Ireland distribution. The movie, written by IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson, is billed as a supernatural horror thriller, with Simon Callow starring as a reincarnation of Aleister Crowley, once dubbed ''the most evil man in Britain.'' Doyle is a former Monty Python second-unit director. Production on the film is already underway.
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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyJeu 4 Oct - 19:43

IRON MAIDEN FC Member On Mastermind October 8th

IRON MAIDEN's official site has been updated with the following:

"I've started, so I'll finish...

Mastermind is a legendary UK quiz show, where contestants face an inquisition on their chosen specialised subject.

And next Monday, FC member Rachel Hobbs will be taking her place in the Mastermind chair to answer questions on Iron Maiden!

The show's broadcast at 7:30 PM on Monday October 8th on BBC2 here in the UK - check your local listings for variations.

Everyone in the office would like to wish you the very best of luck Rachel, and I'm sure the folks on the forum do too!

Apparently there will also be an Iron Maiden quiz on the Mastermind site immediately after broadcast - you can check that out at / ."

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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyLun 15 Oct - 23:16

IRON MAIDEN - New Eddie Video Game: Play With Madness

IRON MAIDEN site Maiden Norway has issued the following report from Pål Johansen:

"Norwegian video game developer Hybris is, in cooperation with Phantom Management, developing a new game built on Iron Maiden's music and of course Eddie. The game has been awarded a grant from the Norwegian Film Fund for the first phase of development for this new game which has been given the working title Play With Madness.

The dramatic settings for this new game is a mix of the Northern Mythology gods (Odin, Thor and the others) and Maidens universe. Play With Madness contains a fantastic gallery of characters. The idea is that the Northern Gods reach out to Eddie and the band when Ragnarok (the end of the world) is approaching.

The action kicks off with Eddie beeing given an assignment from Odin, and starts his World Tour which brings him to a bloody battle between Norwegian Vikings and Japanese Samurai, amongst other things. The player will be thrown into Ragnarok with the force of Heavy Metal!

Thanks to Torgrim Øyre for giving us a heads up on this one!"

More details as they surface.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMar 13 Nov - 0:12

IRON MAIDEN - New Scandinavian Live Date Confirmed

Iron Maiden - Page 5 77480

Norwegian IRON MAIDEN news site Maiden Norway reports

"Iron Maiden's two shows in Sweden and their gig in Helsinki, Finland are sold out!

And the new date is... Saturday, June 19th at Ratinan Stadion in Tampere, Finland.

Gates for the show will open at 4:30 PM. Tickets, 64 / 59 / 54 eur, go on sale at on Friday, November 16th at 9 AM.

The venue is announced to have 17,000 seats, add field/standing tickets to that..."

As previously reported, February 5th, 2008 marks the eagerly-awaited release of the Double Disc DVD of Live After Death, the legendary recording of Iron Maiden’s four night stand at Long Beach Arena, California, in 1984.

BW&BK has obtained a few photos that will be featured in the packaging of the DVD! They can be found at this location.

The Live After Death DVD release will coincide with the start of the band’s Somewhere Back In Time World Tour on which they will recreate many of the aspects of this original and spectacular show.

For complete Live After Death DVD details click here.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMer 21 Nov - 13:42

IRON MAIDEN To Play Portugal In July

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According to, IRON MAIDEN will be playing a date in Portugal next July - venue and city will be announced soon. Portugal is close to Maiden founder Steve Harris' heart - he owns Eddie's Bar which is located in the village of Santa Bárbara de Nexe in southern Portugal. According to Wikipedia, the bar features many props used during former Maiden tours, like sarcophagi from the World Slavery Tour 1984/85, Steve Harris' bass, Nicko McBrain's cymbals and signed records, photos and posters of the band. Heavy metal videos are played during the opening hours. The bar opened in 1989 with Manu Da Silva, a former roadie for Iron Maiden, as manager. After Manu's death in 2005, the bar closed. It reopened in July 2006 with new managers Dave Sullivan and Terry Rance, former guitarists of Iron Maiden, and Jeff Daniels, who was a roadie of the band in the 1970s.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyJeu 6 Déc - 23:00

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Extra Brazil date added!
This week Maiden announced an extra Brazillian date at the Curitiba Pedreira (outdoor) on March 4th. Tickets go on-sale on December the 8th. And staying with Brazil, the Sao Paulo concert has now been moved to the bigger Palmeiras Stadium.

Maiden to headline Gods Of Metal
Yes, Maiden will be back in Italy headlining the Gods Of Metal festival on 27th June. Tickets are already on sale for what will be Maiden's only Italian date in 2008. and are the places to go.

The first UK stadium gig ever!
Tickets are selling fast for Maiden's gig at the Twickenham Stadium in London, on July 5th. Yes, it really is the first time the band have done a stadium gig in the UK so why not come along, it's bound to be special! The fanclub have also put together a special package aimed at those travelling from afar -- full details are on the website.

I love Paris in the springtime...
Okay, technically it'll be summertime when Maiden are back at the Ominisport De Bercy Arena on July 1st. is the place to get tickets for this rather lovely venue.

Package Holidays the Maiden way
There's quite a posse of hardened gig-travellers forming on the forum, folks using Maiden gigs as a great excuse to see a bit of the world. But if that all sounds like a bit too much hassle for you, or you're a bit nervous about heading to a far-off land, the fan club have organised a few trips which include your accommodation, your travel and your gig tickets. Places go fast, but if you're a club member and fancy the London -- Gothenburg -- London or London -- New York -- London trip, all the details are on the site.

Fanclub Frenzy
If you thought the fanclub was just about pre-sale tickets then think again. We've just launched a very special competition to 'name the plane' and become a part of Maiden touring history. The winner gets to sink a few beers backstage with Rod before watching the gig from the mixing desk! Of course, this competition isn't just down to luck, you'll need to apply your brain to the tie breaker question as well as the plane's name, and cross your fingers that our panel of judges (including Rod and Bruce) like your ideas!
And that's not all. Remember when a bunch of people would get up on stage to sing along with the chorus of 'Heaven Can Wait'? Remember the envy? Remember how you wondered 'what do I have to do to get a piece of that action?' Well -- the song's back in the setlist so some very lucky fan club members are going to be on stage giving their best 'woooaah-ooooh-ooooh'. Or possibly standing stock still looking like a rabbit in the headlights as their brain completely fails to comprehend the magnitude of the experience! The draw's open to all fanclub members and we'll be doing it at every single gig on the Somewhere Back In Time tour -- check the website for all the info...
Don't forget, we also give away signed goodies every month in our FC Prize Draw. And very soon we'll be putting up the entry forms for 'First To The Barrier' -- your chance to get right up at the front of the gig and rock out with 59 other club members.
Remember, fan club membership starts at only £10 / year. Put it on your xmas list and Santa might treat you!

Yes, Xmas is Coming
Admin's looked at the calendar and gone 'oh ****, it's December already?!?' So watch out for our annual 'EdVent' christmas card gallery coming soon to a homepage near you. There are some belters this year! And, of course, we've got plenty of things planned for 2008 but you'll just have to wait and see...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMar 11 Déc - 20:24

IRON MAIDEN Extend Deal With EMI

Iron Maiden - Page 5 T79390 UK metal legends IRON MAIDEN today (December 11th) announced they have renewed and extended their historic 28-year recording relationship with EMI for the World excluding USA.

Rod Smallwood commented, "We've had three tremendous decades working with EMI and have many friends there. Through many "regimes" EMI have always given us their full support and our relationship with their companies worldwide has always been excellent. We've got some great plans for 2008 and beyond, and I can't wait to get back on the road next year on a tour which appropriately celebrates the band's formative years. "

Tony Wadsworth, Chairman & CEO, EMI Music UK said, "Since the early eighties Maiden has been a flagship band for EMI and we have enjoyed a fantastic long term relationship. Now that we can work with and support them in their broader music activities, our goal is to help build on the foundations already in place for an even more successful future."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Iron Maiden   Iron Maiden - Page 5 EmptyMer 26 Déc - 1:16

IRON MAIDEN - Celebrating "Our Most Successful Year

Iron Maiden - Page 5 80202

The IRON MAIDEN fan site, a reliable and respected source for information on the band, has issued the following update:

"Just a quick message to say Merry Christmas to everyone out there who believes in that kind of thing. And an early Happy New Year since I don't know how much I'll be around between now and then.

This has been our most successful year ever at Maidenfans. We've smashed all previous visitor records to the point where we had to buy a dedicated server which sent our costs through the roof. Thankfully you've all been great and helped out by clicking the banner ads and donating through PayPal and have kept us online. So thanks to all of you for your support it means a lot to me.

Finally, thanks to everyone who helps with content on the site. The anonymous fans who submit news, Shadow from the forums, and Metal Tim at and all of our moderators who stop our forum turning into a cesspool. None of this is possible without you.

SO! Thats the mushy bit out of the way. Have a great Christmas and a rockin New Year and I hope to see some of you on tour next year."

\m/ Dave aka "Real World"

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